From inspect.getfullargspec, keyword arguments were stored as different attributes, under kwonlyargs and kwonlydefaults.
Added retrieval for kwonlyargs
Retrieve for kwonlydefaults as well, for default values stored for keyword arguments. Interestingly, defaults are stored as tuples of values but kwonlydefaults is stored as name & value KVP, so I've directly addressed this. Since dictionaries retain order, this won't mess up the order for existing defaults algorithm.
Adjusted spacing to remove indentation as much as possible for relevant parts
Fixes #313. See b/358448617 for context and staging to verify the fixes.
[x] Tests pass - this would be updated in goldens once it's fixed.
, keyword arguments were stored as different attributes, underkwonlyargs
as well, for default values stored for keyword arguments. Interestingly,defaults
are stored as tuples of values butkwonlydefaults
is stored as name & value KVP, so I've directly addressed this. Since dictionaries retain order, this won't mess up the order for existing defaults algorithm.Fixes #313. See b/358448617 for context and staging to verify the fixes.