googlearchive / ADBPlugin

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Why is port forwarding limited to 1024-10000 range? #35

Closed risujin closed 10 years ago

risujin commented 10 years ago

Port forwarding is a great feature but is limited by a seemingly arbitrary range restriction in Chrome:

function validatePort(input) {
  var match = input.value.match(/^(\d+)$/);
  if (!match)
    return false;
  var port = parseInt(match[1]);
  if (port < 1024 || 10000 < port) // ←←←←←←←←←←
    return false;
  return true;

Is there a reason for that? Can this be changed to allow all ports, or at least, ports above 10000?

paulirish commented 10 years ago

yes, this has now been updated!

Chrome 34 (currently dev channel and canary) support ports >10000