googlearchive / ADBPlugin

Google Chrome Extension with ADB Daemon
375 stars 73 forks source link

Extension updated and moved - testing welcome! #9

Closed paulirish closed 10 years ago

paulirish commented 10 years ago

Hi all

Just a note to anyone watching this repo.. It has now moved to

It also now works on Win, Mac and Linux (ia32/x8_64)! See install instructions for details.

Please note that it does not auto-update. I'm going to work on adding it to the Chrome Web Store for easier installation and updating.


paulirish commented 10 years ago

Please try out the latest version and let us know if you run into any issues on win/mac/linux. You can report them by opening new issues here.

Thanks so much!

paulirish commented 10 years ago

The extension is now on the Chrome Web Store! A much easier install now. :)
