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TemplateBinding Prolyfill
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Questions about the future of TemplateBinding #199

Open benogle opened 9 years ago

benogle commented 9 years ago

We're planning on using this TemplateBinding project in Atom. We're going to lean pretty heavily on this by exposing it to package authors and encouraging its use in all packages that need a UI. I had a couple questions:

I'm basically trying to answer the questions: "will this bite us in a year?", and, "are we betting on the right horse?".

For some background, we would like to use native browser API's wherever possible as a way to future proof, get the best performance, and limit the learning curve. Using the polymer polyfills seems like a no brainer given these goals, but, admittedly, this TemplateBinding package makes me a little nervous.

@ebidel @addyosmani particularly interested in your opinions.

peterwmwong commented 9 years ago

I'm also very interested in hearing from the Polymer team where they see TemplateBinding fitting in the web platform.

rafaelw commented 9 years ago

There is no plan for implementing TemplateBinding natively in blink ATM, and no current discussion in standards groups that I'm aware of. @jmesserly & @sjmiles may have comments about how stable the syntax is likely to be.

tomalec commented 9 years ago

Another question that popped up: what is the future of TemplateBinding in regards of Polymer >= 0.8? (as it does not work out of the box

Will it be separated from polymer.html bundle? Will it be supported at all, or deprecated in favor of binding features inside polymer-element?

I have already started small discussion here:!topic/polymer-dev/OP8C4-LR_0E

warpech commented 9 years ago

After previewing Polymer 0.8 I am worried that template engine will get tightly coupled with Polymer, making it impossible to be used standalone.

I would like to see a template engine that uses HTML Template element, Mustache-like syntax and two-way data binding available outside of Polymer. I created a fanpage, where I present my usage of TemplateBinding. In case that becomes impossible with Polymer 0.8, I will try to maintain an alternative.

I really hope that Polymer 0.8 keeps it's modular structure and lets us use it's template engine standalone.


benogle commented 9 years ago

I would like to see a template engine that uses HTML Template element, Mustache-like syntax and two-way data binding available outside of Polymer.

We would like this for Atom as well. We've decided against TemplateBinding because of the non-standard global pollution. It's inevitable that we would have packages using different versions of some provided view framework. So, for a solution to work for us, we would need 0 global injection and proper node support.