googlearchive / angularfire-seed

Seed project for AngularFire apps
MIT License
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Using location path inside controller doesn't work #78

Closed smoresch closed 9 years ago

smoresch commented 9 years ago

Hi, i have started to develop an application using angularfire-seed. I have added one controller called controller1 and inside it i have one scope like this:

$scope.doRedirect = function() { $location.path('controller2'); }

I have put controller2 inside my route file, html in partials e controller2 under js folder, but every time i call 'doRedirect' angular redirect me to home. Why?

katowulf commented 9 years ago

Can you explain how this is related to angularFire-seed and not just a question about ngRoute? I'm not positive this is the correct forum for your question. You've also not included sufficient information here to answer the question: where are the routes? How could we guess why the route is invalid without seeing them? Also, shouldn't it be /controller2?

smoresch commented 9 years ago

Sorry, just solved 1 minute ago, there was an error in my html page.