googlearchive / angularfire-seed

Seed project for AngularFire apps
MIT License
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npm install / start fails #80

Closed sdbeng closed 9 years ago

sdbeng commented 9 years ago

Hey guys, I've just cloned the project and it failed to run npm start at the command line. Checked the file structure and it's missing the whole app/bower_components directory. I did npm install one more time, and got this error: sudo npm install Password: npm WARN package.json karma-firefox-launcher@0.1.4 No README data npm WARN cannot run in wd angularfire-seed@0.9.1 bower install (wd=/Users/homedir/1-Angular2015/angularfire-seed)

As the previous closed issue (where bower fails), it has angularfire 0.9.1. Thanks for your advice.

katowulf commented 9 years ago

Hi there! Thanks for reaching out.

I'm not going to be able to help much here unless I can repro. Please send all the logs and version info, as well as output from npm list -g --depth=0 and npm list --depth=0.

Cheers, Kato

sdbeng commented 9 years ago

/usr/local/lib ├── bower@1.3.12 ├── express@4.9.7 ├── express-generator@4.9.0 ├── firebase-tools@1.1.5 ├── foundation-cli@1.0.3 ├── generator-angular@0.11.1 ├── generator-gulp-webapp@0.1.0 ├── generator-karma@0.9.0 ├── generator-meanjs@0.1.10 ├── generator-mocha@0.1.5 ├── generator-webapp@0.5.0 ├── grunt-cli@0.1.13 ├── gulp@3.8.10 ├── http-server@0.6.1 ├── npm@2.5.1 └── yo@1.4.5

angularfire-seed@0.9.1 /Users/admin/1-Angular2015/angularfire-seed ├── bower@1.3.12 ├── http-server@0.6.1 ├── karma@0.10.10 ├── karma-chrome-launcher@0.1.7 ├── karma-coffee-preprocessor@0.1.3 ├── karma-firefox-launcher@0.1.4 ├── karma-html2js-preprocessor@0.1.0 ├── karma-jasmine@0.1.5 ├── karma-junit-reporter@0.2.2 ├── karma-phantomjs-launcher@0.1.4 ├── karma-requirejs@0.2.2 ├── karma-script-launcher@0.1.0 ├── protractor@0.20.1 ├── requirejs@2.1.16 └── shelljs@0.2.6

katowulf commented 9 years ago

Can't repro this. Please try the new 1.0.0 release if this error is still occurring.

sdbeng commented 9 years ago

Sure, will try the newer version and see how it goes. Tx

katowulf commented 9 years ago

Cheers, if you still have issues, let's get a more complete picture of your environment and setup so I can reopen and try to investigate.