If you created the intent manually, scroll to the bottom of the intent, click on the "Actions on Google" header and make sure the "End Conversation" box is checked. This tells the Google Assistant that our app has nothing more for the user and closes the mic.
But "Actions on Google" header will be only available if we enable "Actions on Google" integration which is mentioned in "9. Integrate into Google Assistant", second paragraph:
From the API.AI console in the left navigation menu, select "Integrations." Here, you'll be able to select from a wide variety of integrations with other platforms. For this codelab, we'll be looking at the Actions on Google integration. Enable that integration now.
May be it will be better to move second paragraph to "8. Converse and Refine"?
In the last paragraph in "8. Converse and Refine"
There are lines:
But "Actions on Google" header will be only available if we enable "Actions on Google" integration which is mentioned in "9. Integrate into Google Assistant", second paragraph:
May be it will be better to move second paragraph to "8. Converse and Refine"?