No crashing, I expected the page to render and be functional as it is in all other browsers, and previous versions of IE.
2nd chance AV in jscript9!Js::JavascriptOperators::StrictEqual+1d
There are a couple script errors that happen on page load:
SCRIPT87: Invalid argument.
75426540347B016F181187F11733FC05.cache.html, line 1915 character 758
SCRIPT87: Invalid argument.
75426540347B016F181187F11733FC05.cache.html, line 1918 character 426
The first is because of this line:
m is a TD, Wib == "height", and Fjb == "0%", so it's basically trying to do TD.height = "0%", which throws an Invalid argument error (same in IE8 RTM).
If you step over that line of script and then continue execution, it then pops on that second error somewhere in this line:
Original issue 1325 created by iecompat on 2011-03-04T23:55:21.000Z:
What revision of the cajoler exhibits the problem?
This is occurring on Windows 7 and IE9 or IE8
Steps to reproduce:
EXPECTED RESULTS: No crashing, I expected the page to render and be functional as it is in all other browsers, and previous versions of IE.
ACTUAL RESULTS: 2nd chance AV in jscript9!Js::JavascriptOperators::StrictEqual+1d
There are a couple script errors that happen on page load:
SCRIPT87: Invalid argument. 75426540347B016F181187F11733FC05.cache.html, line 1915 character 758 SCRIPT87: Invalid argument. 75426540347B016F181187F11733FC05.cache.html, line 1918 character 426
The first is because of this line: !!m&&(m[Wib]=Fjb,undefined);
m is a TD, Wib == "height", and Fjb == "0%", so it's basically trying to do TD.height = "0%", which throws an Invalid argument error (same in IE8 RTM).
If you step over that line of script and then continue execution, it then pops on that second error somewhere in this line:
FS(c,(k=yU(new hU),AU(k,yk(a)),AU(k,(a.f=OQ(new zQ),a.f.z()[Vib]=vjb,EQ(a.f,Fk(a),wjb),EQ(a.f,(a.j=GW(new yW),a.i=DZ(new AZ,a.j),Cj(a.i.a,tl(new rl,a),(Vs(),Vs(),Us)),a.i.a.w[xjb]=yjb,a.i.w.style[Zib]=qjb,r=pO(new jO,zjb),Cj(r,yl(new wl,a),(Bs(),Bs(),As)),t=pO(new jO,Ajb),Cj(t,Dl(new Bl,a),As),q=pO(new jO,Bjb),Cj(q,Il(new Gl,a),As),p=LS(new IS,1,4),s=0,p.w[Vib]=Cjb,fS(p,0,s,a.i),xS(p.d,0,s++,Djb),fS(p,0,s++,t),fS(p,0,s++,q),fS(p,0,s++,r),p.w.style[Zib]=Ejb,a.k=Z$(new Q$),Kk(a,a.k),kj(a.k,Ejb,qjb),u=S0(new P0),u.w.style[Zib]=qjb,u.b=(QT(),PT),T0(u,p),v=uO(u,p),!!v&&(v[Wib]=Fjb,undefined),T0(u,a.k),w=uO(u,a.k),!!w&&(w[Wib]=qjb,undefined),u),Gjb),EQ(a.f,(x=ES(new CS),a.b=aT(new VS),kj(a.b,qjb,qjb),a.b.w.className=Hjb,FS(x,a.b),x),Ijb),EQ(a.f,(z=cR(new YQ,Jjb),z.w[Vib]=Cjb,a.m=b(new $),a.m.w.style[Zib]=qjb,dR(z,a.m),z.w.style[Zib]=qjb,a.l=aT(new VS),y=ES(new CS),mN(y,z,y.w),FS(y,a.l),kj(a.l,qjb,qjb),y),Kjb),EQ(a.f,(A=ES(new CS),A.w.style[Zib]=qjb,A.w.style[Wib]=qjb,a.c=kS(new OR),a.c.w.style[Zib]=qjb,FS(A,a.c),A),Ljb),EQ(a.f,(B=ES(new CS),B.w.style[Zib]=qjb,B.w.style[Wib]=qjb,a.n=kS(new OR),a.n.w.style[Zib]=qjb,FS(B,a.n),Tk(a),B),Mjb),Uk(a),kj(a.f,qjb,qjb),kj(a.f.a,qjb,qjb),tQ(a.f.b,(Zl(),Xl).e),a.f)),k.e=Njb,OU(k.b,Njb),k.w.style[Zib]=qjb,k.w.style[Wib]=qjb,k));
Also, there are some exceptions being thrown that the script catches which are likely to also play into why the conted doesn't render.