googlearchive / core-animated-pages

Animated transitions between pages
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Animation issue when including cross-fade and cross-fade-all #43

Open AaronLayton opened 9 years ago

AaronLayton commented 9 years ago

There doesn't seem to be any documentation on when to use cross-fade and cross-fade-all.

If I set up my core-animated-pages with transitions="hero-transition cross-fade slide-down slide-up" and then specify some cross-fade and slide-down animations they don't seem to animate correctly.

<div cross-fade>
        <core-toolbar slide-down cross-fade>Demo</core-toolbar>
        <p>Demo page!</p>

if I change the core-animated-pages transition to cross-fade-all then it seems to work, but this then causes tile-cascade animations not to work correctly.

Can any one shed some light?