googlearchive / core-scroll-header-panel

Fancy scrolling effects where the header animates between tall and condensed states
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Mobile view for core-scroll-header-panel #26

Open josephmilla opened 9 years ago

josephmilla commented 9 years ago
<core-scroll-header-panel flex>
  <core-toolbar style="background: #ffffff;">
    <div class="title">Title</div>

    <div flex></div>

    <paper-tabs style="max-width: 600px;" class="default" flex link>
      <paper-tab><a href="#" horizontal center-center layout>Tab1</a></paper-tab>
      <paper-tab><a href="#" horizontal center-center layout>Tab2</a></paper-tab>
      <paper-tab><a href="#" horizontal center-center layout>Tab3</a></paper-tab>

  <div class="content">

Is it possible to collapse the paper-tabs into a menu-bar icon when it the page hits a specific view port by default?

richiksc commented 9 years ago

You could use <core-media-query> and <template if="">, like this:

<core-scroll-header-panel flex>
 <core-media-query query="max-width:640px" queryMatches="{{handheld}}"></core-media-query>
  <core-toolbar style="background: #ffffff;">
    <template if="{{handheld}}">
          <paper-icon-button noink icon="menu"></paper-icon-button>
          <paper-dropdown class="dropdown">
            <core-menu class="menu">
              <paper-item><a href="#">Tab1</a></paper-item>
              <paper-item><a href="#">Tab2</a></paper-item>
              <paper-item><a href="#">Tab3</a></paper-item>
    <div class="title">Title</div>

    <div flex></div>
    <template if="{{!handheld}}">
    <paper-tabs style="max-width: 600px;" class="default" flex link>
      <paper-tab><a href="#" horizontal center-center layout>Tab1</a></paper-tab>
      <paper-tab><a href="#" horizontal center-center layout>Tab2</a></paper-tab>
      <paper-tab><a href="#" horizontal center-center layout>Tab3</a></paper-tab>

  <div class="content">

Just make sure you're using this in a polymer element or a <template is="auto-binding">. Otherwise polymer's data binding doesn't work.