googlearchive / generator-angularfire

Yeoman generator for AngularFire: Angular + Firebase apps
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A comma is missing at line 7 of bower.json in the compiled package #50

Closed dbertella closed 9 years ago

dbertella commented 9 years ago

{ "name": "catalani", "version": "0.0.0", "dependencies": { "angular": "1.3.0", "json3": "~3.3.1", "es5-shim": "~3.1.0" "firebase": "2.1.x", "angularfire": "0.9.1" }, "devDependencies": { "angular-mocks": "1.3.0", "angular-scenario": "1.3.0", "mockfirebase": "0.8.x" }, "appPath": "app" }

this was my bower.json file and it was throwing error. After a quick check a comma was missing, dunno if it's me only or if there is an easy solution. Just wanted to let you know.


katowulf commented 9 years ago

Can you provide the setup options you selected while building? Cheers.

dbertella commented 9 years ago

Dunno if it can be the problem but I didn't have the last version of yeoman installed but 1.3.0.

anyway this is all I got

Out of the box I include Bootstrap and some AngularJS recommended modules, AngularFire, and Firebase Simple Login.

? Firebase instance ( catalani

? Include Firebase auth and account tools? Yes

? Which providers shall I install? Email/Password, Facebook, Google, Twitter

? Would you like to use Sass (with Compass)? Yes

? Would you like to include Bootstrap? No

? Which modules would you like to include?

create app/styles/main.scss

create app/scripts/angularfire/config.js

create app/scripts/angularfire/firebase.utils.js

create app/scripts/controllers/chat.js

create app/views/chat.html

create app/scripts/filters/reverse.js

create app/scripts/angularfire/simpleLogin.js

create app/scripts/controllers/login.js

create app/scripts/controllers/account.js

create app/views/login.html

create app/views/account.html

create app/scripts/directives/ngShowAuth.js

create app/scripts/directives/ngHideAuth.js

create app/index.html

create bower.json

create .bowerrc

create package.json

create Gruntfile.js

I'm all done. Running bower install & npm install for you to install the required dependencies. If this fails, try running the command yourself.

2015-03-23 21:32 GMT+01:00 katowulf

Can you provide the setup options you selected while building? Cheers.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Daniele Bertella web designer & developer

+39.340.490.57.80 LinkedIn: danielebertella Twitter: _denb

katowulf commented 9 years ago

Thanks. Fixed for the 1.0.0 release.