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`urlFor` not defined #44

Open jshohel opened 9 years ago

jshohel commented 9 years ago

I am trying to use more-routing in our app. I am getting this error message -

[dom-bind::_annotatedComputationEffect]: compute method urlFor not defined

Is this a bug or I am missing something?

1st level rouging works though, but 2nd level (i mean nested routing) rouging is not working.

Pickachu commented 9 years ago


oathcomrade commented 9 years ago

Same problem here.

dlmiyamoto commented 9 years ago

I think the problem arises from the fact that Polymer 1.0 no longer allows for expressions in bindings. In theory, you should still be able to use it if you add a computed binding and have it return MoreRouting.urlFor(route).

barnomics commented 9 years ago


nevir commented 9 years ago

Also take a look at MoreRouting.TemplateHelpers, which you can mix into your elements

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015, 11:07 Bar wrote:

[image: :+1:]

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robdodson commented 9 years ago

@nevir Would I mix those into the behaviors array like this?

  is: 'my-app',
  behaviors: [MoreRouting.TemplateHelpers]
kenneth-g-flux commented 9 years ago

Figured it out via some trial and error. @nevir Mixin in the behavior like @robdodson suggests only works for paths without parameters. My best guess is that urlFor('route-name',{param:value}) is too "complex" to be used.

Adding a computed binding seems to be working in custom components:

<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/more-routing/more-route-template-helpers.html">
<dom-module id="person-url">
        <a href="{{computeUrl(name)}}">{{name}}</a>
            is: 'person-url',
            properties: {
                name: {
                    type: String,
                    value: ''
            computeUrl: function(name) {
                return MoreRouting.urlFor('person-read',{id:name});

Note that this makes mixin in the behavior obsolete.

For completeness, my routes.html file:

<link rel="import" href="bower_components/more-routing/more-routing.html">

<more-routing-config driver="hash"></more-routing-config>

<more-route name="home" path="/"></more-route>
<more-route name="person-list" path="/people">
    <more-route name="person-read" path="/:id"></more-route>

I however couldn't get that to work in my index.html file without custom component. I don't know why that is.

barnomics commented 9 years ago

You can pass parameters to your helper computed function, you just have to be very specific with the formatting -

<a href='{{_computerUrl("users", "{"name":"joe"}")}}'>Joe Link</a>


computeUrl: function(path, params) {
    var params = params ? JSON.parse(params) : {};
   return MoreRouting.urlFor(path, params);

Notice the single quote on the attribute - you want to be able to use double quotes for the object so its parsed correctly when passed into the function

kenneth-g-flux commented 9 years ago

Could you check your formatting of the object? The amount of double quotes in "{"name":"joe"}" seems pretty weird to me and doesn't work. JavaScript won't recognize that as an object.

barnomics commented 9 years ago

Sorry I forgot the JSON.parse part- I updated the function

computeUrl: function(path, params) {
    var params = params ? JSON.parse(params) : {};
   return MoreRouting.urlFor(path, params);
craftgear commented 9 years ago

This is weird. When I pass an option argument, urlFor isn't even invoked.

Maybe this is caused by Polymer itself?

I really would like to know what is happening here. Does anyone have any clues?

craftgear commented 9 years ago

O.K. I got this. Polymer simply doesn't accept JSON inside bindings.

The parameters issue doesn't have anything to do with MoreRouting. is kinda misleading though.

popbee commented 9 years ago

Sorry to rant about Polymer in general in this topic, but just to point out another example where Polymer 1.0's lack of 'complex' expressions hurts (IMHO).

Link to rant on the topic: