googlearchive / paper-dialog

A dialog à la Material Design
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Styling a rounded dialog does not work due to the pre-set background #fff #45

Open benjaminapetersen opened 9 years ago

benjaminapetersen commented 9 years ago

The paper dialog has css:

:host {
      background: #fff;
     /* other css... */

Which, if you set:

html /deep/ .rounded_dialog::shadow #scroller {
  border-radius: 10px;

Will cause white corners to show behind the dialog. Setting the background color to none, by adding this rule:

html /deep/ .rounded_dialog::shadow #scroller {
  border-radius: 10px;
  background: none;

Will cause the #scroller and #actions to be transparent as well. Setting a background color to #scroller & #actions will create some quirky corner effects between the #scroller & #actions.