Using gulp, I applied all Polyclean options to the same source. The result is that all inline CSS & JS of the html file are minified, but the html itself is not. Can I remove white spaces & comments from html itself using Polyclean & without vulcanizing them ? I tried to use other gulp plugins but all do not support polymer elements, and execute errors like for the $ sign in some attributes or the double parenthesis {{}}. Couldn't solve it.
Using gulp, I applied all Polyclean options to the same source. The result is that all inline CSS & JS of the html file are minified, but the html itself is not. Can I remove white spaces & comments from html itself using Polyclean & without vulcanizing them ? I tried to use other gulp plugins but all do not support polymer elements, and execute errors like for the $ sign in some attributes or the double parenthesis {{}}. Couldn't solve it.