googlearchive / polymer-gestures

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polymer-gestures on bower #69

Open steida opened 9 years ago

steida commented 9 years ago

It's possible to have min version somewhere available for Bower soon? Can I help somehow?

steida commented 9 years ago

Hallo. Can you answer at least? It this project super unimportant for Polymer or what?

ebidel commented 9 years ago

Can you clarify? This library is released with every polymer release ( and is also baked into polymer.js. You can use it anytime you use polymer.

steida commented 9 years ago

But I don't need and I don't want whole polymer. I would like to use only polymer-gestures. Yes, library is released, but as source, not as built file. In the other words, it's impossible to use bower to grap only polymer-gestures. I don't want to build anything within my stack. Does it makes sense?

cayter commented 9 years ago

@steida If you are only looking for gesture library, why not try out HammerJS? It's a very mature gesture library that has been living out there for years.

@ebidel Is there any reason why we aren't using something like HammerJS for polymer-gestures? Thanks.

steida commented 9 years ago

Google generally is known for high performant and quality code. For third parties like HammerJS, I'm affraid of janks on mobile devices. But maybe I should try HammerJS, because this project doesn't seems to be loved very much by Google developers.

ebidel commented 9 years ago

@azakus would know best the reasons, but historically, our gesture stuff was based off PointerEvents...which Hammer doesn't not support AKAIK. It may also not understand the semantics of Shadow DOM. Hence, we needed something new :)

cayter commented 9 years ago

Oh, got it. Thanks!