googlearchive / polymer-gestures

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on-up handler called 2 times on browser #89

Closed cedric-legallo closed 9 years ago

cedric-legallo commented 9 years ago

Hi, I have a issue (feature ?) with the on-up attribute in the browser, the callback runs 2 times 1 with the mouseup event, and 1 with the polymer CustomEvent. Is this normal ?

Here is my sample element

<neon-animated-pages id='pages' touch-action='none'  on-up='upHandler' entry-animation='slide-from-left-animation' exit-animation='slide-right-animation'>
            <template is='dom-repeat' items='{{items}}'>

Context : neon-animation#1.0.1 polymer#1.0.3 (1.0.4 available) webcomponentsjs#0.7.3 (0.7.5 available) polymer-gestures#0.5.6

dfreedm commented 9 years ago

Polymer 1.0 and polymer-gestures are incompatible, as a form of polymer-gestures was merged into Polymer in 1.0.