googlecast / CastVideos-android

Reference Android Sender w/ Framework API: CastVideos-android application shows how to cast videos from an Android device that is fully compliant with the Cast Design Checklist.
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Changing the captions/audio languages when starting to cast. #134

Open daroltidan opened 3 months ago

daroltidan commented 3 months ago

When trying to cast a HLS file that already contains multiple languages for audio and captions, we can't seem to change language on the CastPlayer based on the values from the ExoPlayer.

we are using a converter from mediaItem to mediaQueueItem as follows:

val mediaItemConverted = defaultMediaItemConverter.toMediaQueueItem(item)
val mediaInfo =
val mediaLoadRequestData = MediaLoadRequestData.Builder()
            .setActiveTrackIds(longArrayOf(selectedCaption, selectedAudio))


inside the MediaConverter we have this builder:

       var selectedCaption = 0L
        val captionsTracks = captions.mapIndexed { index, format ->
            if (format.isSelected) {
                selectedCaption = index.toLong()
            MediaTrack.Builder(index.toLong(), TYPE_TEXT)
                .setName(format.label + " test")
        var selectedAudio = 0L
        val audioTracks = audioLanguages.mapIndexed { index, format ->
            val newIndex = captionsTracks.size + index
            if (format.isSelected) {
                selectedAudio = newIndex.toLong()
            MediaTrack.Builder(newIndex.toLong(), TYPE_AUDIO)
                .setName(format.label + " test")

return MediaInfo.Builder(contentId)
           .setMediaTracks(listOf(captionsTracks + audioTracks))

initially we tried to use the setMediaTracks method (so we retrieved all the tracks from the local player and mapped them into media tracks) but the problem was that they were adding them 2 times in the list. (the ones that we added manually using setMediaTracks and the ones that are added from the HLS file)

My question here is, is there a way for us to preselect a language when casting?