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[genai-chat-java-palm-langchain4j] Deprecated information #1413

Closed hwangkyle closed 3 months ago

hwangkyle commented 3 months ago

An example of deprecation is in the RAG section:

ConversationalRetrievalChain rag = ConversationalRetrievalChain.builder()

    // .retriever and .promptTemplate are deprecated. .retrievalAugmentor is used instead.
        Answer to the following query the best as you can: {{question}}
        Base your answer on the information provided below:

Please update.

glaforge commented 3 months ago

I've stopped maintaining the PaLM / Java codelabs, and I'm now focusing on the Gemini codelab. You can find a similar RAG example here with Gemini, which is not using LangChain4j's deprecated chains: