googlecreativelab / anypixel

A web-friendly way for anyone to build unusual displays
Apache License 2.0
6.44k stars 517 forks source link

Simple diet-project to get started #23

Closed tshamz closed 7 years ago

tshamz commented 7 years ago

If I'm having confusion and pretty high level questions like:

are these, or questions like them, just the beginning and it's only gonna get worse moving forward? My guess is that a lot of web developers will see this and say to themselves, "cool. definitely want to build that." But that thought will then quickly be followed by another of, "shit. what's a PCB? is this going to cost me a small fortune? will I need to buy tools for this? i hope i don't electrocute myself..."

I think the idea mentioned at the end of this comment might be something that would be helpful at providing people with no hardware experience a context to learn in and enough basic knowledge that they could tool around with that and then afterwards have enough confidence to go off and figure out the rest on their own.

ryburke commented 7 years ago

The version that we open sourced is a commercial build for the Google lobby. As a web developer, these hardware questions are totally fair. And you're right, you will likely have more as you work through the project.

We are currently developing a simplified version running off a Raspberry Pi. We have a lot of other projects right now, but we hope to have this complete in the next month or two.

tshamz commented 7 years ago

Awesome, thanks for the response. I'll be tracking closely and waiting patiently for the simplified version. 🙌🏻

ryburke commented 7 years ago

@tshamz We'll be posting an example tomorrow morning with AnyPixel running off a Raspberry Pi controlling a single button.