googlecreativelab / coder

A simple way to make web stuff on Raspberry Pi
Apache License 2.0
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Support for multiple HTML/JS/CSS files #19

Open shankarmozzapp opened 10 years ago

shankarmozzapp commented 10 years ago

Some web dev scenarios might need support for multiple HTML/JS/CSS files. Is that something that would make sense to incorporate inside Coder, or is it something that Coder isn't designed to support?

jmstriegel commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. For now, we've fixed the project structure around the idea of 1 html, 1 css, 1 js and 1node.js per project. We made this decision after quite a bit of consideration -- it's a limitation, but it helps force all projects to fit a single standard and it keeps everything as simple as possible without hiding how things work.

In practice, there's a lot of stuff you can do inside this project structure. All of the coder interface, for instance, was written in this format. In fact, almost all of Coder was written in Coder! So there's a hidden app called coder, editor, even wifi and auth -- they are all 1html, 1css, 1js, 1node. I hope that when people make demos and lessons, newbies will be able to look under the hood and see how they were written, and see that they aren't structurally different from their own programs.

I may have to revisit this later, but give it a try and see how things go.

shankarmozzapp commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the detailed response, Jason. I understand the reasoning behind this and I still see huge value in this platform. Looking forward to working with it more. Would be awesome if you could provide your thoughts on my comments in the other thread:

Basically, I am very interested in the following use case:

Having a classroom of students, each equipped only with a raspberry pi-based computer, running Coder locally in their Pis and learning web development