googlecreativelab / coder

A simple way to make web stuff on Raspberry Pi
Apache License 2.0
2.42k stars 275 forks source link

Plugin/extension library #26

Closed STOWouters closed 9 years ago

STOWouters commented 10 years ago

I've seen many issues asking for additional support for this language and that one too. It should be really awesome to support other awesome languages like python or ruby, but...

I also appreciate the KISS principle ( Keep It Stupidly Simple ) that's handled here. Many new-to-the-programming-world are often too scared of the bunch of languages (or featurettes) supported in the Coder project, like learning one programming language isn't difficult enough for them (it isn't difficult, we all know, but they don't).

Therefore, I suggest to create something like a plugin/extension-library (like Chrome web store ), so that when the user gets more confident and experienced with hacking (or is already experienced), they can download plugins for supporting other languages they want to learn it too (or some other pretty cool extensions - Vim support, Git support, to get some ideas..) into the RPi Coder instead of pumping the Coder project full of support/extensions they problably never use it anyway...

jmstriegel commented 10 years ago

That's be pretty cool. Even before thinking about other languages, it would be pretty neat to make sure we're solid on how this all works at the app level.

whinge commented 9 years ago

when I get a computer to run arduino without talking to me like it is a bunch of geeks from Indian continent I may find the time to learn the C++ etc.