googlecreativelab / coder

A simple way to make web stuff on Raspberry Pi
Apache License 2.0
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Bundle Chrome for local development #3

Open nmec opened 10 years ago

nmec commented 10 years ago

It would be great if there was a version of Chrome or perhaps Chrome OS bundled with this so development could be done directly on the Pi, without the need for an additional computer.

I understand that porting Chrome is no small feat, but right now support for HTML5 on the Pi is pretty poor.

danielchatfield commented 10 years ago

Pi isn't really powerful enough for that

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

well @danielchatfield Chromium is built and works without too many problems on RPi in ArchLinux. It won't probably work in a reasonable way due to hard caching with the browser based IDE but Raspberry Pi can run Chrome like browsers without issues.

That said, @nmec apparently this system is built to be handled remotely so you won't be able to reach current.local via your own PI. There is another "bug" opened about this.

danielchatfield commented 10 years ago

@WebReflection I know it works, I've run hexxeh's build on it but everything is very slow, and thus I do not think it should be bundled with this as it isn't really useable.

nmec commented 10 years ago

I was rather hoping that some work could be done to optimise Chrome for the Pi's limited processor and memory.

philippwiddra commented 10 years ago

Chromium (sudo apt-get install chromium) works pretty well on a pi, you maybe want to look into the Memory-Split-Option in sudo raspi-config just to be sure you have a acceptable amount of memory assigned to the graphic card. There you can (if its not already done) enable the boot to desktop option. (You won't be able to run huge sites like youtube, facebook etc. but for simple examples like the ones in coder it should work.) And for better performance there are many really lightweight browsers, some already installed on the pi like midori (preinstalled on normal raspbian) or dillo.

shankarmozzapp commented 10 years ago

I bought my Pi couple of days back and I was really keen on a use case where it can be used as a Web development tool. Even if we use Chromium browser as just a single tab, just for running Coder, it would be a great-to-have. My use case is a classroom of students learning web development, each of them equipped with only a Ra-Pi. I think that is a lovely use case to support, given that Coder is perfectly equipped for just that. It could be very cost-effective, if not anything else.

SpeakingOfBrad commented 9 years ago

For those of you who have installed chromium yourself but are still having trouble accessing coder through it, @oschettler found that you need to browse to https://coder.local:8081/. There's a bit more info over in issue #55

developius commented 8 years ago

I imagine that Coder will work pretty well on a Raspberry Pi 2 and Epiphany. With regards to the hostname issue, couldn't you just do