googlecreativelab / coder

A simple way to make web stuff on Raspberry Pi
Apache License 2.0
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unzip cannot create symbolic links #85

Open PSLLSP opened 10 years ago

PSLLSP commented 10 years ago

I create SDHC card (4GB) for Raspberry PI. I run unzip at Ubuntu 12.04.4 and I noticed, that unzip reported errors related to symlinks:

$ unzip /home.user/ ..... inflating: MACOSX/coder_v0.6/ inflating: MACOSX/coder_v0.6/ inflating: MACOSX/coder_v0.6/ inflating: MACOSX/coder_v0.6/ inflating: coder_v0.6/raspi.img finishing deferred symbolic links: coder_v0.6/ -> 2.7 symlink error: Operation not permitted coder_v0.6/ -> ../../site.pyc symlink error: Operation not permitted

$ pwd; df -h . /media/FE90-3B41 Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mmcblk0p1 3.8G 2.9G 878M 77% /media/FE90-3B41

$ mount | grep mmcb /dev/mmcblk0p1 on /media/FE90-3B41 type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,showexec,flush,uhelper=udisks)

PSLLSP commented 10 years ago

It is possible that install instructions are wrong. The SDHC card I created cannot boot in my Raspberry PI, there is only blank screen, no action...

I followed instruction at

1. Download, unzip, and run the Coder Installer. You'll need a 4GB SD Card. Mac users, just run the provided installer. PC users, check out our Windows-specific Instructions for more installation details.

Windows-specific Instructions describe, how to format SDHC card with SD Formater. I did that. Result is empty SDHC card with FAT partition.

I extracted file to empty partition...

Could you review install instructions? I guess they are not correct....

PSLLSP commented 10 years ago

I found that file coder_v0.6/raspi.img is binary image of SD card and it has to be transferred to SDHC card with command like dd

dd if=coder_v0.6/raspi.img of=/dev/sdX

where /dev/sdX is your SD card reader

Instruction to prepare SDHC card under windows with tool SD Formater is misleading. That is useless.

This information is valid for image file:

OK. My RPI is running coder distribution. I don't like that I am forced to strong password in the web gui, password has to follow some rules:

WHY? My code is not such valuable to be protected with strong password, my RPI will be in local network, it is save environment... My RPI, my password, my code, my responsibility!

I miss information about login with ssh or cli, what user name and password to use. Distribution is based on Raspbian but default user/password pi/raspberry doesn't work. What are default credentials for coder?

odensc commented 10 years ago

@PSLLSP SSH login is: Username: pi Password: the password you set when you configured Coder