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Teachable Machine Project Help #357

Open enesuyrr opened 6 months ago

enesuyrr commented 6 months ago

Hello, I have a project in mind but I don't know much about artificial intelligence. I am thinking of using Teachable Machine for this, but I don't know if it will be enough for what I have in mind.

Let me explain it like this: As you know, when we create our own database and upload an image to Teachable Machine, it can recognize it. What I want to do is to create a site and integrate Teachable Machine into this site. There is no problem until here. The real problem is this: I want to do this image recognition by filtering.

Think of it like this, there are 200 titles in the database. The user fills out a 10-question form on the site and enters the features they are looking for. By filtering according to these features, it scans with 50 titles instead of 200 titles. Is it possible to do something like this? I hope I was able to explain.

sryu1 commented 5 months ago

Hi @enesuyrr, can you elaborate on filtering? Like filtering some feature in the image? Filtering the classes?

enesuyrr commented 5 months ago

Hi @sryu1 , For example, I will classify 150 different flower photos on the site. I will enter various data for these flowers, such as the size of the flower, where it grows. After integrating it into my site, I want the classes to be reduced to less than 150 by filtering after the user enters the size and where they found it.

sryu1 commented 5 months ago

The thing is, the whole point of AI is to look at an image and classify it. If it's well trained, it doesn't need any parameters. Therefore, teachable machine (or any AI) cannot do this. However, you could try training different models (e.g. one with only small flowers, one with medium sized, and large) and when users enter the size, your site could load up different models...

enesuyrr commented 5 months ago

I don't have the knowledge to do this. Is there any other tool that can help me with this?

sryu1 commented 5 months ago

I highly encourage you to try out teachable machine and see what it does. It will train an ai based on the images you gave it, then after training you can give it images to then test the accuracy of your model by looking at what the AI thinks the image you gave it is. Is that what you are wanting to implement in your site?