googlefonts / fontbakery-dashboard

A library-scale web dashboard for Font Bakery, no longer developed
Apache License 2.0
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Conform to Material Design #20

Open felipesanches opened 7 years ago

felipesanches commented 7 years ago

@m4rc1e said: "Hey @felipesanches ,

I think it's wise we stick to using Material Design for the UI."

To which I replied: "Yup! I think it's great."

And @davelab6 tipped at: "Material Design Components?"

And then said: "This is low Priority to me"

felipesanches commented 7 years ago

But I say, by the way, that it would be pretty pretty cool! :-D

eliheuer commented 4 years ago

Ping, after the last review of the dashboard this was something that seemed needed to me.

There were some issues with text fields being too small and hard to use, for example. In my opinion, if this is going to see more user testing, this would be worth working on.

Here are some good resources to get started:

graphicore commented 4 years ago

It's a good sign when we are at a point where this is getting more important.

eliheuer commented 4 years ago

I do think the aesthetic usability effect is something that should be taken seriously when asking new users to test software.

eliheuer commented 4 years ago

@vv-monsalve Any thoughts on this?

Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting anyone spends lots of time on this or uses something like react-UI. I'm just interested in a simple CSS only update to improve usability.

vv-monsalve commented 4 years ago

I do think the aesthetic usability effect is something that should be taken seriously when asking new users to test software.

I'm 100% agree with this. While trying the Dispatcher (which includes the FB dashboard) I've had some questions that in the end were are related to UI and UX. I also agree that some CSS could help with that.