googlefonts / fontdiffenator

Font comparison tool
Apache License 2.0
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Do not exit if hb-view raises an error #55

Closed m4rc1e closed 5 years ago

m4rc1e commented 5 years ago

This is a temp fix.

Due to the memory consumption of this tool, hb-view will infrequently raise an out of memory error (I've only had this happen on Ubuntu with machines that have less than 8gb of memory). If an out of memory error occurs, the glyph which caused it is appended to the diff so we can manually check it.

When I run memory_profiler, the tool does consume a boat load of memory. We are often diffing millions of objects against each other. I may spend sometime in the future refactoring/optimising the memory consumption. For now, it will have to do.

graphicore commented 5 years ago

Thanks for looking into this!

Related: googlefonts/fontbakery-dashboard#100