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Developer Documentation #1158

Open ollimeier opened 6 months ago

ollimeier commented 6 months ago

Longterm we need some kind of code documentation. This popped up in todays meeting. The question is, what are best practices currently for code documentations? We were thinking about inline code documentation which can be translated to a eg a webpage docu, similar to

Any ideas or suggestions?

fabiocaccamo commented 6 months ago

My 3 favourite solutions in order of preference:

I don’t know if they are fully-compatible with a JS project, I used them in Python/Django context.

In the JS ecosystem I tried different tools, but long time ago, in the end I opted for jsdoc + jsdoc-to-markdown. The latter is cool because it converts documentation like the example below directly to markdown:

 * { function_description }
 * @param {<type>} str The string
 * @return {string} { description_of_the_return_value }
encode: function (str) {

Anyway... as personal preference, I would opt to have final documentation written in Markdown and not in reStructuredText.

ollimeier commented 6 months ago

@justvanrossum @JeremieHornus Any comments, ideas from your side?

ollimeier commented 6 months ago

Links we may want to add somewhere in the documentation:

justvanrossum commented 6 months ago

What I'm most curious about at this point is: how does the fonttools documenation integrate separate doc files (fonttools/Docs) with inline documentation in the code.

And: how can we do the same for JavaScript.

ollimeier commented 6 months ago

It looks like fonttools docs are made with sphinx-doc. As far as I was able to figure out (so far), sphinx is mainly 'restructuredtext', which is not preferred by @fabiocaccamo . But it can also handle MarkDown with an extension:

sphinx is also available for JavaScript:

justvanrossum commented 6 months ago

I also prefer MarkDown, but this sounds like a good solution.

Does MkDocs also support sphinx-doc somehow? FWIW, fonttools uses readthedocs.

How does MkDocs compare to readthedocs, and why do you prefer it, @fabiocaccamo?

ollimeier commented 6 months ago

@justvanrossum Looks like sphinx to me:

ollimeier commented 6 months ago

I have no experiences with setting up such thing. I am not sure how to continue.

fabiocaccamo commented 6 months ago

I don't have a lot of experience with any of these tools, but from what I've been able to see/test:

I think that MkDocs is more intuitive and simple to use, which should not be underestimated if we want to think long term and ease of use for potential collaborators.

Both MkDocs and Sphinx are compatible with ReadTheDocs:

justvanrossum commented 6 months ago

My question is: can MkDocs extract source docs from source files, like sphinx does?

fabiocaccamo commented 6 months ago

No, it can't, but it should be possible to take advantage of the best of both tools to arrive at a solution like this:

ollimeier commented 6 months ago

For reference, we need to investigate more into this topic. Together with @justvanrossum we are a bit optimistic when about: It seems it's supported regularly (two releases per year)