googlefonts / korean

Google Fonts Korean showcase
Apache License 2.0
160 stars 13 forks source link

Add user study recruiting link #19

Closed davelab6 closed 4 years ago

davelab6 commented 4 years ago

Let's add a link to offer users the opportunity to sign up as Google Fonts user study participants. Here's the link:

eroonkang commented 4 years ago

@wonyoungso I think a good place would be at the footer, so it reads as following:

— (EN)

Join Our Community

We are working with designers around the world to produce best-in-class typeface designs that are made for the web. If you want to offer your own Korean font through Google Fonts, please contact @googlefonts.

This website is also open source. To report any issues, please visit

Google Fonts user research program

— (KO)

Google Fonts에 참여하세요.

Google Fonts는 전 세계의 디자이너와 함께 웹에서 손쉽게 사용할 수 있는 폰트를 개발합니다. Google Fonts와 이곳에 여러분이 제작한 한글 폰트를 제공하고 싶다면 언제든지 @googlefonts 앞으로 알려주세요.

이 사이트의 소스는에 공개되어 있습니다. 관련 문의는 이곳에 리포트를 남겨주세요.

구글폰트 유저 리서치 프로그램

wonyoungso commented 4 years ago

Both are added in the footer!