googlefonts / shaperglot

Test font files for language support
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Error in Gurmukhi check (pan) #33

Closed glenda-tn closed 8 months ago

glenda-tn commented 9 months ago

In testing a Gurmukhi font, the reported missing glyphs are Arabic.

shaperglot /Users/mglendabellarosa/Downloads/Noto_Sans_Gurmukhi/static/NotoSansGurmukhi-Regular.ttf pan

Font does not fully support language 'pan'
 * Some base glyphs were missing: ڈ, ی, ء, س, ے, ش, ظ, ٹ, د, ح, ت, ه, ن, ث, خ, ں, و, ا, ج, پ, ز, ض, ف, ع, ک, غ, ل, ق, گ, ڑ, ژ, ب, ط, ݨ, ھ, ر, م, ذ, چ, ص
 * Some mark glyphs were missing: ؕ
simoncozens commented 9 months ago

That's confusing - I don't have a language called "pan" in my install (and there isn't one in the gflanguages repository where we get the data from).

In fact, the command ought to be shaperglot check [FONT] [LANG], not shaperglot [FONT] [LANG]. Do you have a really old version of shaperglot installed?

glenda-tn commented 9 months ago

I reinstalled:

pip install shaperglot
Requirement already satisfied: shaperglot in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: fontFeatures<2.0,>=1.0 in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from shaperglot) (1.8.0)
Requirement already satisfied: hyperglot==0.3.3 in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from shaperglot) (0.3.3)
Requirement already satisfied: termcolor==1.1.0 in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from shaperglot) (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: vharfbuzz<1,>=0 in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from shaperglot) (0.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: click>=7.0 in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from hyperglot==0.3.3->shaperglot) (8.1.7)
Requirement already satisfied: fonttools>=4.0.2 in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from hyperglot==0.3.3->shaperglot) (4.42.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml>=5.3 in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from hyperglot==0.3.3->shaperglot) (6.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: unicodedata2>=13.0.0 in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from hyperglot==0.3.3->shaperglot) (15.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: colorlog>=4.7.2 in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from hyperglot==0.3.3->shaperglot) (6.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: fs in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from fontFeatures<2.0,>=1.0->shaperglot) (2.4.16)
Requirement already satisfied: lxml in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from fontFeatures<2.0,>=1.0->shaperglot) (4.9.3)
Requirement already satisfied: uharfbuzz>=0.34.0 in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from vharfbuzz<1,>=0->shaperglot) (0.37.2)
Requirement already satisfied: appdirs~=1.4.3 in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from fs->fontFeatures<2.0,>=1.0->shaperglot) (1.4.4)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from fs->fontFeatures<2.0,>=1.0->shaperglot) (68.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: six~=1.10 in ./tntools/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from fs->fontFeatures<2.0,>=1.0->shaperglot) (1.16.0)

This is what I'm getting for the commands: usage: shaperglot [-h] [--verbose] FONT LANG [LANG ...]

pan is the 639-2, 639-3 language code for Gurmukhi.

simoncozens commented 9 months ago

You do have a very old version installed and you still do. pip install -U will reinstall; pip install will just make sure that it's installed, and since it is installed in your case it will do nothing.