googleinterns / step190-2020

gVote is a voter information platform that walks users through steps in the U.S. voting procedure by helping users register to vote, listing relevant upcoming elections, and providing ballot information and nearby polling sites, so that users are prepared to vote on election day.
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Polling station tests #108

Closed anooshrees closed 4 years ago

anooshrees commented 4 years ago
anooshrees commented 4 years ago

My final integration test works locally but not on the Github portal -- any idea why this would be the case? The only thing that comes to mind is the API credentials not working in this context when I interact with the autocomplete address bar.

In order for this PR to go through, I'm going to delete the test causing issues and create a new branch, AddressInputIT. where the test will live for now.

rogerlaucorp commented 4 years ago

This PR seems to have done multiple things, and was on the bigger side. Try to divide up into smaller PRs going forward.

anooshrees commented 4 years ago

This PR seems to have done multiple things, and was on the bigger side. Try to divide up into smaller PRs going forward.

Will do, thank you for the feedback!