googleinterns / step190-2020

gVote is a voter information platform that walks users through steps in the U.S. voting procedure by helping users register to vote, listing relevant upcoming elections, and providing ballot information and nearby polling sites, so that users are prepared to vote on election day.
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Make Candiate Campaign URLs Clickable #114

Closed gianelgado12 closed 4 years ago

gianelgado12 commented 4 years ago

Now when a candidate has a campaign URL returned by the civic information API the user can click on the URL in the candidates dropdown and the candidate's campaign site will open in a new tab. Also, if a candidate does not have a campaign URL returned by the civic information API that field is not shown at all in the candidate's dropdown. Additionally, the URL displayed in the dropdown is stripped of the trailing slash and preceding 'http://' to clean up the look of the dropdown.