googleinterns / step190-2020

gVote is a voter information platform that walks users through steps in the U.S. voting procedure by helping users register to vote, listing relevant upcoming elections, and providing ballot information and nearby polling sites, so that users are prepared to vote on election day.
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Key deadlines show on page load and address input is one input field #133

Closed casprice closed 4 years ago

casprice commented 4 years ago

Moved "Key deadlines" window to show when electionInfo.html first loads to slightly speed up buffer time after address is submitted. Also removed all of the extra address input fields to clean up the UI. Screenshot 2020-08-25 at 11 19 45 AM

casprice commented 4 years ago

State name now shows so user knows dates/deadlines are specific to the state they chose. Screenshot 2020-08-25 at 4 08 08 PM