googlemaps / android-maps-compose

Jetpack Compose composables for the Maps SDK for Android
Apache License 2.0
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Polyline doesn't recompose when points change #105

Open PeterAttardo opened 2 years ago

PeterAttardo commented 2 years ago

Environment details

Android API 26

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a map with a MutableStateList of points
  2. Use the points to draw markers and a polyline between them
  3. Add functionality to add or remove points from the list
  4. Observe that the markers update, but the polyline does not

Code example

fun MapScreen(){
    val waypoints = remember{ mutableStateListOf<LatLng>()}
    Map(waypoints) {

private fun Map(
    waypoints: List<LatLng>,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    onMapClicked: (latlng: LatLng) -> Unit
        modifier = modifier,
        onMapClick = onMapClicked,
        waypoints.forEach {
            Marker(state = MarkerState(position = it))
jpoehnelt commented 2 years ago

@PeterAttardo Please take a moment to fill out this short survey. Thank you!

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jpoehnelt commented 2 years ago

@PeterAttardo Thank you for opening this issue. 🙏 Please check out these other resources that might be applicable:

This is an automated message, feel free to ignore.

arriolac commented 2 years ago

This should be fixed. But a workaround would be to use a mutableStateOf instead. So:

fun MapScreen(){
    val waypoints by remember{ mutableStateOf<List<LatLng>>()}
    Map(waypoints) {
        waypoints = waypoints + it
barbeau commented 2 years ago

@arriolac Was this a bug in maps-compose or Compose itself? And specifically handling mutableStateListOf()?

I think the other potential catch here is to make sure you're using mutableStateOf<List<LatLng>>() and not mutableStateOf<ArrayList<LatLng>>(), similar to my comment here regarding recomposition and mutable collections -

arriolac commented 2 years ago

I believe the issue might be between the interaction of mutableStateListOf and a ComposeNode's Updater. Because Polyline as currently implemented should work. I've opened an issue in the public issue tracker for Compose here:

Sergiyss commented 2 years ago

Is the question still open? Help me. the last Polyline is not updated, but markers are drawn according to the route.

fun MapScreen(){
  val path  = chvm.pathResult.observeAsState()
    var waypoints by remember{ mutableStateOf<List<LatLng>>(value = listOf())}

    if(path.value?.path?.size != null){
        Map(path.value?.path!!) {
            waypoints = waypoints + it
private fun Map(
    waypoints: List<LatLng>,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    onMapClicked: (latlng: LatLng) -> Unit
        modifier = modifier,
        onMapClick = onMapClicked,
        waypoints.forEach {
            Marker(state = MarkerState(position = it))


weslleystos commented 1 year ago

I found the same issue:

But when I was investigating the problem, I notice that when show the list in logcat.


In this case we don't send the list in the end.

TrackerLocationTheme {
    val cameraPositionState = rememberCameraPositionState()
    val waypoints = remember { mutableStateListOf<LatLng>() }

    LocationService.lastLocation?.let {

        topBar = {
            TopAppBar(title = {
                Text(text = getString(R.string.app_name))
    ) { paddingValues ->
            modifier = Modifier
            cameraPositionState = cameraPositionState,
            properties = MapProperties(
                isMyLocationEnabled = true,
                mapStyleOptions = MapStyleOptions.loadRawResourceStyle(
        ) {
            Polyline(points = waypoints.toList())

if you transform that toList, it will works fine.

Ruineie commented 1 year ago

I found the same issue:

But when I was investigating the problem, I notice that when show the list in logcat.


In this case we don't send the list in the end.

TrackerLocationTheme {
    val cameraPositionState = rememberCameraPositionState()
    val waypoints = remember { mutableStateListOf<LatLng>() }

    LocationService.lastLocation?.let {

        topBar = {
            TopAppBar(title = {
                Text(text = getString(R.string.app_name))
    ) { paddingValues ->
            modifier = Modifier
            cameraPositionState = cameraPositionState,
            properties = MapProperties(
                isMyLocationEnabled = true,
                mapStyleOptions = MapStyleOptions.loadRawResourceStyle(
        ) {
            Polyline(points = waypoints.toList())

if you transform that toList, it will works fine.

This works! Thank you.

marcportabellanavarro commented 5 months ago

This still happens at least in 4.2.0. I need to test in the latest. Lucky I found this issue otherwise I would've lost a good time going mad over this