googlemaps / android-maps-compose

Jetpack Compose composables for the Maps SDK for Android
Apache License 2.0
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Clustering sometimes show default markers #569

Open ArisGuimera opened 3 months ago

ArisGuimera commented 3 months ago

I have a screen that contain a list of custom markers with clustering and works fine. The problem is sometime after open de screen my google maps show my customs markers AND the default markers on the same place.

Is just random, sometimes when screen is open first time, sometimes when screen is open after 5 times.

Please be sure to include as much information as possible:

Environment details

Steps to reproduce

  1. Navigate to the Map screens
  2. Go back
  3. Repeat

Code example

    fun MapScreen(stepResult: HomeState.StepResult) {
    val sheetState = rememberModalBottomSheetState(
        initialValue = ModalBottomSheetValue.Hidden
    ) { games ->
        val items = {
                itemPosition = LatLng(it.latLng.latitude, it.latLng.longitude),
                itemTitle =,
                itemSnippet = it.address,
                itemZIndex = 0f,
                item = it

        if (items.isEmpty()) {

        Box {
            TenantMapList(sheetState, items)

fun GoogleMapClustering(items: List<MapTenant>, onMapSelected: (List<MapTenant>) -> Unit) {
    var cameraState = rememberCameraPositionState {
        position = CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom(items.first().itemPosition, 10f)

        modifier = Modifier
            .padding(top = 32.dp),
        cameraPositionState = cameraState
    ) {
        CustomUiClustering(items = items, onMapSelected = {
        }, onItemSelected = {

private fun CustomUiClustering(
    items: List<MapTenant>,
    onMapSelected: (List<MapTenant>) -> Unit,
    onItemSelected: (MapTenant) -> Unit
) {
    Clustering(items = items,
        onClusterClick = {
        }, onClusterItemClick = {
        clusterContent = { cluster ->
                modifier = Modifier.size(40.dp),
                text = "%,d".format(cluster.size),
        clusterItemContent = {
                modifier = Modifier.size(20.dp),
                text = "",

private fun CircleContent(
    text: String,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
) {
        shape = CircleShape,
        color = ComplementaryPopUp,
        contentColor = Color.White,
        border = BorderStroke(2.dp, defaultGradient)
    ) {
        Box(contentAlignment = Alignment.Center) {
                text, fontSize = 16.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Black, textAlign = TextAlign.Center

fun TenantMapList(
    sheetState: ModalBottomSheetState,
    items: List<MapTenant>,
) {
    var selectedTenants by remember { mutableStateOf<List<MapTenant>>(emptyList()) }

    ModalBottomSheetLayout(sheetState = sheetState,
        sheetShape = RoundedCornerShape(topStart = 16.dp, topEnd = 16.dp),
        sheetBackgroundColor = ComplementaryPopUp,
        scrimColor = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(alpha = 0.50f),
        sheetContent = {
            TenantsList(Modifier.wrapContentHeight(), selectedTenants)
        }) {

        val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()

        GoogleMapClustering(items) {
            selectedTenants = it
            scope.launch {


wangela commented 3 months ago

If you would like to upvote the priority of this issue, please comment below or react on the original post above with :+1: so we can see what is popular when we triage.

@ArisGuimera Thank you for opening this issue. 🙏 Please check out these other resources that might help you get to a resolution in the meantime:

This is an automated message, feel free to ignore.

ThomasLefebvre commented 3 months ago

Hi Aris,

I have exactly the same problem, it's very random, sometimes it happens after the 50th launch, sometimes on the first.

Apart from the graphics bug, what's more annoying is the crash if the user clicks on the default marker.

I'll let you know if I make any progress,


ArisGuimera commented 3 months ago

Hi Aris,

I have exactly the same problem, it's very random, sometimes it happens after the 50th launch, sometimes on the first.

Apart from the graphics bug, what's more annoying is the crash if the user clicks on the default marker.

I'll let you know if I make any progress,


I haven't found any solution, but if I fixed I will let you know

kikoso commented 3 months ago

Hi @ArisGuimera , @ThomasLefebvre ,

What you get is similar to the one described in this issue?

ArisGuimera commented 3 months ago

Hi @ArisGuimera , @ThomasLefebvre ,

What you get is similar to the one described in this issue?


I think so but my Android version is 12.

JakeChandrasakera commented 2 months ago

I have the same issue, it occasionally happens on debug builds but occurs a lot more for release builds.

I can also replicate the issue if I use

public fun <T : ClusterItem> Clustering(
    items: Collection<T>,
    clusterManager: ClusterManager<T>,

where I use rememberClusterRenderer and set the clustering algorithm to NonHierarchicalViewBasedAlgorithm.

If I update the items list to be empty after the default markers appear over my custom ones, then the custom ones get removed, but the default ones remain.

Clearing all the markers with a MapEffect and calling map.clear() works, but I haven't found a way to programmatically detect when the default markers are being displayed.

Thomaswguy commented 2 months ago

We are seeing the same issue 😔. Any advise or help on this would be greatly appreciated!

mars885 commented 2 months ago

My team has also encountered this issue. We are using the 5.0.4 version of the lib.

ArisGuimera commented 2 months ago

My team has also encountered this issue. We are using the 5.0.4 version of the lib.


cwsiteplan commented 2 months ago


alexNguyenDM commented 2 months ago


kbatrak commented 1 month ago


gmazzotta-bit commented 2 weeks ago

(I deleted my previous message because it was wrong).

After debugging a bit I think I have a better understanding of what is going on. From what I can see ClusterManager has no way to set immediately a ClusterRenderer and it takes a bit for ComposeUiClusterRenderer to be ready and set as renderer. I suspect that if you have your cluster items ready and add them immediately to the map, the default renderer kicks in before the custom one takes its place.

I'm currently using the suggested implementation for the case in which I need a custom renderer, this one. If I wait for both ClusterManager and ClusterRenderer to be non null before adding the items (here), then I stop seeing the default markers.

If I don't wait for ClusterRenderer and add a delay before setting the renderer here, I first see the default markers and after the delay they get replaced with the custom markers. So I think there is maybe something missing in DefaultClusterRenderer.onRemove(). My guess would be that potentially ongoing/queued RenderTasks are not cancelled, but I did not properly verify this.

gmazzotta-bit commented 2 weeks ago

I forgot to mention that if you are not using a custom renderer, then you are likely using this.

This line should probably be:

if (clusterManager != null && renderer != null) {

You can easily copy that function into your project and see if doing the above helps.

cwsiteplan commented 2 weeks ago

@gmazzotta-bit thanks for your hints - that sounds very reasonable 👍

darronschall commented 2 weeks ago

I ran into this as well on a production app and came up with essentially the same workaround that @gmazzotta-bit suggested in

Here's two screenshots of the bug I was experiencing, where the default marker (both single item and cluster) displayed underneath my composable marker content:



I extracted my fix into PR #615. I have not seen the issue reproduce since incorporating this change into my project.