googleprojectzero / fuzzilli

A JavaScript Engine Fuzzer
Apache License 2.0
1.86k stars 302 forks source link

[Cli] No filesystem storage configured, found crashes will be discarded! in ubuntu 18.04 #49

Closed Hanseltu closed 4 years ago

Hanseltu commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your awesome fuzzing tool.

I just implement fuzzilli in my ubuntu 18.04 (with swift 5.0, clang 6.0) system, but not successful. Following instructors are the steps I used, pls tell me suggestions any helpful!

step 1 : Download Spidermonkey and run

tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev$ git branch --v
  * fuzz   b37d82a6c3a1 no bug - Bumping Firefox l10n changesets r=release a=l10n-bump DONTBUILD
  master ef914e250432 Merge autoland to mozilla-central.  a=merge
tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev$ patch -p1 < ../firefox.patch 
patching file js/src/shell/js.cpp

after ./

tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev$ cd js/
tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev/js$ ls
app.mozbuild  ductwork  examples  ffi.configure  ipc  moz.configure  public  rust  src  sub.configure  xpconnect
tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev/js$ cd src/
tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev/js/src$ ls
aclocal.m4    ctypes    fuzzbuild_OPT.OBJ  jit-test          js-config.mozbuild    jsfriendapi.h  jspubtd.h  README.html  vtune
build         devtools       jsapi.cpp         js-cxxflags.mozbuild  jslibmath.h    jsshell.msg               rust         wasm      doc       fuzz-tests         jsapi.h           jsdate.cpp            jsmath.cpp     jstypes.h    NamespaceImports.h      shell        Y.js
builtin       ds        gc                 jsapi-tests       jsdate.h              jsmath.h       jsutil.cpp   octane                  tests        zydis
Cargo.toml    dtoa.c    gdb                jsast.tbl         jsexn.cpp             js.msg         jsutil.h     old-configure           threading
configure     editline  irregexp   jsexn.h               jsnum.cpp        util  frontend  jit          jsfriendapi.cpp       jsnum.h  proxy                   vm
tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev/js/src$ cd fuzzbuild_OPT.OBJ/
tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev/js/src/fuzzbuild_OPT.OBJ$ ls
a.out                            binaries.json     config.status           install_dist_bin.track      Makefile      old-configure.vars  _tests
backend.FasterMakeBackend        build             config.statusd          install_dist_include.track  memory        python              third_party     _build_manifests   install_dist_private.track  mfbt        _virtualenvs                       config            dist                    install_dist_public.track   modules
backend.RecursiveMakeBackend     config.cache      faster                  install__tests.track        mozglue       taskcluster  config.log        generated-sources.json  js                          mozinfo.json  testing
tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev/js/src/fuzzbuild_OPT.OBJ$ cd dist/
tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev/js/src/fuzzbuild_OPT.OBJ/dist$ ls
bin  cppunittests  host  include  private  public  system_wrappers
tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev/js/src/fuzzbuild_OPT.OBJ/dist$ cd bin/
tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev/js/src/fuzzbuild_OPT.OBJ/dist/bin$ ls
gdb-tests         TestAtomics          TestDoublyLinkedList     TestJSONWriter          TestRandomNum          TestSplayTree          TestVariant  TestBinarySearch     TestEndian               TestLinkedList          TestRange              TestSPSCQueue          TestVector
js                TestBloomFilter      TestEnumeratedArray      TestMacroArgs           TestRefPtr             TestTemplateLib        TestWeakPtr
jsapi-tests       TestBufferList       TestEnumSet              TestMacroForEach        TestResult             TestTextUtils          TestWrappingOperations         TestCasting          TestEnumTypeTraits       TestMathAlgorithms      TestRollingMean        TestThreadSafeWeakPtr  TestXorShift128PlusRNG
nsinstall         TestCeilingFloor     TestFastBernoulliTrial   TestMaybe               TestSaturate           TestTuple    TestCheckedInt       TestFloatingPoint        TestNonDereferenceable  TestScopeExit          TestTypedEnum
TestAlgorithm     TestCountPopulation  TestFunctionTypeTraits   TestNotNull             TestSegmentedVector    TestTypeTraits
TestArray         TestCountZeroes      TestIntegerPrintfMacros  TestPair                TestSHA1               TestUniquePtr
TestArrayUtils    TestDefineEnum       TestIntegerRange         TestPoisonArea          TestSmallPointerArray  TestUtf8

step 2: swift build and run

tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli$ swift build -Xlinker='-lrt'
[7/7] Linking ./.build/x86_64-unknow-linux/debug/FuzzilliCli
tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli$ swift run -Xlinker='-lrt' -c release FuzzilliCli --profile=jsc ~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev/js/src/fuzzbuild_OPT.OBJ/dist/bin/js
[Cli] No filesystem storage configured, found crashes will be discarded!
[REPRL] Failed to communicate with child process
[REPRL] Failed to communicate with child process
[REPRL] Failed to communicate with child process
[REPRL] Failed to communicate with child process

then I got the errors.

From the suggestion in Failed to communicate with child process with firefox #15, I got the following message

tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli/Misc/REPRL$ sudo ./tester ~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev/js/src/fuzzbuild_OPT.OBJ/dist/bin/js --reprl
[COV] edge counters initialized. Shared memory: shm_id_7968 with 431547 edges
What to do? r
Exited normally, status: 0
Execution took 0ms
What to do? What to do? r
Exited normally, status: 0
Execution took 0ms
What to do? What to do? p
What to do? What to do? q
Have 431547 edges
"read(REPRL_CRFD, &action, 4) == 4" failed

Could someone tell me what's the problem and how to figure it out? Thanks a lot!

saelo commented 4 years ago


tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli$ swift run -Xlinker='-lrt' -c release FuzzilliCli --profile=jsc ~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev/js/src/fuzzbuild_OPT.OBJ/dist/bin/js here you are using the wrong profile, try with --profile=spidermonkey. Does it work then?

Hanseltu commented 4 years ago

@saelo thank you very much! I change the profile with spidermonkey in your advise, it seems work ok but the statement still exists in the terminal. Does this mean I can not store the crashes and analyze them?

tuhaoxin@oscar-optimal:~/github/fuzzilli$ swift run -Xlinker='-lrt' -c release FuzzilliCli --profile=spidermonkey ~/github/fuzzilli/Targets/Spidermonkey/gecko-dev/js/src/fuzzbuild_OPT.OBJ/dist/bin/js
[Cli] No filesystem storage configured, found crashes will be discarded!
[Coverage] Initialized, 431547 edges
[JavaScriptEnvironment] initialized static JS environment model
[JavaScriptEnvironment] Have 42 available builtins: ["Boolean", "RegExp", "DataView", "Proxy", "Promise", "Map", "isNaN", "eval", "parseInt", "arguments", "Function", "JSON", "Symbol", "Uint8Array", "Int16Array", "Math", "isFinite", "parseFloat", "Infinity", "undefined", "this", "String", "enqueueJob", "Number", "Float64Array", "bailout", "Uint32Array", "Uint8ClampedArray", "Object", "Uint16Array", "Array", "Float32Array", "drainJobQueue", "WeakSet", "Reflect", "WeakMap", "gc", "Int8Array", "ArrayBuffer", "Int32Array", "NaN", "Set"]
[JavaScriptEnvironment] Have 144 available method names: ["expm1", "get", "fround", "stringify", "c", "deleteProperty", "getPrototypeOf", "reduceRight", "find", "apply", "max", "setUint32", "codePointAt", "setInt8", "isSafeInteger", "acosh", "includes", "padEnd", "ownKeys", "some", "cbrt", "sort", "d", "ceil", "has", "getInt16", "create", "for", "setFloat64", "pop", "setPrototypeOf", "isArray", "getFloat32", "log1p", "sqrt", "padStart", "getUint32", "fromCharCode", "random", "reduce", "clear", "every", "cosh", "defineProperties", "indexOf", "slice", "getInt32", "copyWithin", "floor", "splice", "atan2", "hypot", "getUint8", "delete", "getOwnPropertyDescriptors", "fromCodePoint", "setFloat32", "startsWith", "log10", "trunc", "flatMap", "fromEntries", "trim", "cos", "fill", "is", "shift", "concat", "defineProperty", "abs", "join", "min", "values", "acos", "construct", "atan", "assign", "e", "sinh", "pow", "entries", "bind", "setUint8", "tanh", "round", "split", "toLocaleString", "getOwnPropertySymbols", "subarray", "flat", "keys", "setUint16", "imul", "endsWith", "from", "sin", "charCodeAt", "raw", "toString", "getInt8", "tan", "forEach", "set", "repeat", "substring", "unshift", "map", "getUint16", "getOwnPropertyDescriptor", "log", "b", "of", "isNaN", "seal", "charAt", "atanh", "isFinite", "add", "filter", "sign", "setInt16", "asinh", "exp", "isInteger", "keyFor", "getOwnPropertyNames", "call", "preventExtensions", "isSealed", "parse", "clz32", "a", "push", "reverse", "asin", "getFloat64", "freeze", "findIndex", "setInt32", "isExtensible", "isFrozen", "replace", "lastIndexOf", "log2"]
[JavaScriptEnvironment] Have 42 property names that are available for read access: ["EPSILON", "toStringTag", "POSITIVE_INFINITY", "length", "search", "asyncIterator", "replace", "species", "MAX_VALUE", "c", "byteOffset", "unscopable", "e", "E", "NEGATIVE_INFINITY", "buffer", "toString", "constructor", "MIN_SAFE_INTEGER", "iterator", "NaN", "arguments", "byteLength", "a", "b", "__proto__", "match", "name", "prototype", "matchAll", "valueOf", "MAX_SAFE_INTEGER", "description", "size", "caller", "PI", "d", "isConcatSpreadable", "split", "hasInstance", "MIN_VALUE", "toPrimitive"]
[JavaScriptEnvironment] Have 10 property names that are available for write access: ["__proto__", "c", "toString", "a", "valueOf", "constructor", "e", "b", "length", "d"]
[JavaScriptEnvironment] Have 5 custom property names: ["b", "c", "d", "e", "a"]
[Fuzzer] Initialized
[Fuzzer] Recommended timeout: at least 230ms. Current timeout: 250ms
[Fuzzer] Startup tests finished successfully
[Fuzzer] Let's go!
Fuzzer Statistics
Total Samples:                170
Interesting Samples Found:    81
Valid Samples Found:          133
Corpus Size:                  81
Success Rate:                 78.24%
Timeout Rate:                 0.00%
Crashes Found:                0
Timeouts Hit:                 0
Coverage:                     7.60%
Avg. program size:            64.65
Connected workers:            0
Execs / Second:               47.91
Total Execs:                  3033
saelo commented 4 years ago

Yeah, for that just add the --storagePath=/path/to/some/dir flag, see then it should work :)

Hanseltu commented 4 years ago

Great! thanks a lot ~