Open TakahiroHaruyama opened 4 years ago
add flag: --skip-dry-run.
Thanks but I got the result already because sometimes the dry-run was passed in the case. I want to know normally we have to identify the cause then fix it or we can just ignore. I'm new in AFL fuzzing.
I'm using to reduce the input files but the execution often fails in dry-run (not always).
python -D C:\work\DynamoRIO-Windows-8.0.0-1\bin64 -t 100000 -i ..\in -o ..\corpus -target_module localscan_fuzz.exe -target_method fuzzit -nargs 2 -coverage_module libavcore.dll -call_convention ms64 -- localscan_fuzz.exe @@ ... [*] Testing the target binary... [!] Dry-run failed, 2 executions resulted differently: Tuples matching? False Return codes matching? True
I guessed the cause was a thread context switching and added -thread_coverage option in the but it didn't work. I'm using the same input files. And I checked the harness worked well by using the "drrun.exe -c winafl.dll -debug" command.
Could you advise to resolve the issue?