Closed Zanfas closed 6 years ago
The VrVideoView widget is targeted for immersive videos so it doesn't have support for basic planar videos. However, take a look a the Video360 sample. This is a sample built on the standard GVR APIs. It's targeted for Daydream rather than Cardboard since it uses a controller, but you can rip out the Daydream-specific code and use the gaze input from TreasureHunt.
The sample only renders to a sphere, but the Mesh.createUvSphere(...) method takes in many parameters. You could use this to create a "plane" that is actually a small subsection of a sphere. I've used that code to experiment with rendering planar 3D movies in VR.
Okay thank you a lot for your quick answer and your advices. Would you be interrested in a feedback if i get any result ?
Yes. Please let us know if you have any problems with the video360 sample.
Okay so using the video360, i've been able to do some planar projection by changing two parameters in the sample (the field of view). Yet, the result was not great and i found a few days ago a solution to display normal stereoscopic videos by using a GvrView and a custom implementation of StereoRenderer.
The cause of my problem was that i did not understand how the Google VR SDK works and how the renderring was done but now it is fine.
Thank you again for your attention and your advices
Hi folks !
I'm discovering the Google VR SDK for Android. Purpose : as an intern, i have to make an app that can read a NON 360° stereo over/under video and display it in a viewer for a CardBoard).
It appears that the videos played with the VrVideoView are only rendered using a spheric projection. I want to know if it was possible (or if it's planned in a further release) to choose the projection mode and just render the video using a planar projection.
Thank you for your attention.