Closed SteveLobdell closed 7 years ago
This is quite complicated, but possible using GVR NDK directly. You will have to build your own ObjC SDK on top.
thanks for absolutely not giving any insight into my question and then closing the topic. Super helpful.
Sorry about the abrupt reply, but we don't have a solution/workaround that can help you. As far as insight goes, you will have to build a proper OpenGL based renderer on top of GVR NDK that can display video textures. Look at TreasureHuntNDK on how to do that.
The following code pulls textures from AVVideoOutput at a given time:
CMTime itemTime = [_videoOutput itemTimeForHostTime:headPose.nextFrameTime];
if ([_videoOutput hasNewPixelBufferForItemTime:itemTime]) {
CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer =
[_videoOutput copyPixelBufferForItemTime:itemTime itemTimeForDisplay:NULL];
if (pixelBuffer) {
[self cleanUpTextures];
int videoWidth = (int)CVPixelBufferGetWidth(pixelBuffer);
int videoHeight = (int)CVPixelBufferGetHeight(pixelBuffer);
BOOL requiresChannelSizes = EAGLContext.currentContext.API > kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2;
// Create Y and UV textures from the pixel buffer. RGB is not supported.
_lumaTexture = [self createSourceTexture:pixelBuffer
format:requiresChannelSizes ? GL_RED : GL_RED_EXT
internalFormat:requiresChannelSizes ? GL_R8 : GL_RED_EXT
// UV-plane.
_chromaTexture = [self createSourceTexture:pixelBuffer
format:requiresChannelSizes ? GL_RG : GL_RG_EXT
internalFormat:requiresChannelSizes ? GL_RG8 : GL_RG_EXT
width:(videoWidth + 1) / 2
height:(videoHeight + 1) / 2];
// Use the color attachment to determine the appropriate color conversion matrix.
CFTypeRef colorAttachments =
CVBufferGetAttachment(pixelBuffer, kCVImageBufferYCbCrMatrixKey, NULL);
GLKMatrix4 colorConversionMatrix =
CFEqual(colorAttachments, kCVImageBufferYCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_601_4)
? kColorConversionMatrix601
: kColorConversionMatrix709;
GLuint lumaTextureId = CVOpenGLESTextureGetName(_lumaTexture);
GLuint chromaTextureId = CVOpenGLESTextureGetName(_chromaTexture);
[self setVideoYTextureId:lumaTextureId
pixelBuffer = 0;
This is using CVPixelBuffer to create textures from. Hopefully, this gives you some direction. We might have something better in the future.
Hi, but what to do next with that pixelbuffer? Where should I put it in GVRKit?
You use the pixel buffer just as a texture map, and map it onto an orthographic, full-screen quad, if you are wanting the image to fill the screen. Basically the buffer becomes a texture map and you use it how you would any OpenGL texture map...
I'm currently getting individual frames that I process and then display on the screen by enqueuing a CMSampleBufferRef into a AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer. Wondering if it's at all possible that I could send the CMSampleBufferRef into the sdk and have it display stereoscopically. Thanks
EDIT: could also use a CVImageBufferRef if that were possible as well.