googlevr / gvr-ios-sdk

Google VR SDK for iOS
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Present view controller #285

Closed erickfox closed 6 years ago

erickfox commented 6 years ago

Hello, for what reason, when you make a present to the view controller of the container view, starts in full screen, with the Back button

sanjayc77 commented 6 years ago

To allow the user to dismiss the view controller. That is the primary mechanism to exit VR mode.

But, we do expose "hidesBackButton" property on the GVROverlayView class, which you can use to not show the back button. But you will have to fork GVRKit and add that here:

_overlayView.hidesBackButton = YES;

You would still need some way to dismiss the view controller programmatically though.

erickfox commented 6 years ago

I did not explain correctly, attached screenshots to understand the process 1.- captura de pantalla 2017-10-30 a la s 2 03 20 p m

2.- captura de pantalla 2017-10-30 a la s 2 03 41 p m

3.- captura de pantalla 2017-10-30 a la s 2 04 10 p m

You can see that in the display mode enbeded starts with the button back