googlevr / gvr-ios-sdk

Google VR SDK for iOS
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Swift version? #314

Open bsabiston opened 6 years ago

bsabiston commented 6 years ago

Are there any plans for a native Swift version of the SDK?

Performador commented 6 years ago

We currently do not have plans for a Swift version. Is there a particular reason you're looking for a Swift framework?

bsabiston commented 6 years ago

Just seems like Objective C is on the way out. Swift seems to be the thing to be using for current Apple software.

Performador commented 6 years ago

You are correct but under the hood, most of GVRSDK is C++ with minimal Obj-C which you should be able to import into Swift land (except for #312 which we're looking into). I do not expect a pure Swift implementation to be any more performant.

bsabiston commented 6 years ago

Okay. What I really need is a Metal version. I'm trying to Frankenstein the SDK onto my Metal app currently. It's kind of working. Is the source code available for the SDK? I'm trying to figure out how to do the lens distortion...

Performador commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately the mesh distortion code is not open source. We're looking into how we can support Metal.

bsabiston commented 6 years ago

Okay, thanks. I'm thinking now that instead of using Metal to display the scene, I should probably just use it to render to a texture and then pass that back to the google cardboardView so that it can do the lens distortion.

NeethuAntony commented 5 years ago

Hi did the gvr-ios-sdk is available which uses Metal Api for rendering?