googlevr / seurat-unreal-plugin

Seurat is a scene simplification technology designed to process very complex 3D scenes into a representation that renders efficiently on mobile 6DoF VR systems.
Apache License 2.0
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Plugin Missing or incompatible #3

Open Peepijeep opened 4 years ago

Peepijeep commented 4 years ago

Hello, I want to test Seurat. I am using Unreal Engine 4.16.3. The plugin was develop against a 4.16 version.

I did the following steps:

  1. Downloading plugin
  2. Copying the "Plugins"-folder of the plugin in project-folder.
  3. Starting Unreal Engine and create an empty (blank) Blueprint-Project
  4. Enable Seurat plugin under Edit -> plugins -> Other -> Seurat,
  5. Restart the project.

Then I get following error:

"Missing or incompatible modules in Seurat plugin - would you like to disable it? You will no longer be able to open any assets created using it."

When clicking yes, following error occurs:

"Plugin "Seurat" failed to load because module "Seurat" could not be found. Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project."

I also get the error when copying the plugin into Unreal Engine\Engine-Folder instead of project folder.

What can I do? How can I use the plugin?

Best regards

Update: ----------------------------

I already tried following tutorial to get everything working:

I also added the following line to the "Seurat.Build.cs":

PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;

But I still get the error that plugin is not compatible :(

Update 2; -------------------------------------

I also tested a blank Blueprint and a blank C++ Project. For the C++ Project, Windows SDK 8.1 must be installed. But it still does not work. When enabling the plugin, following error is shown:

The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version:


Would you like to rebuild them now?

If I click yes, following is shown:

Project could not be compiled. Try rebuiding from source manually.

I really want to test that aweasome plugin in Unreal Engine :(

vmattc commented 4 years ago

This article will help you recompile the plugin.

Follow the instruction but obviously use the Seurat plugin instead.

I was able to recompile the plugin for Unreal 4.18.3.

The Unreal plugin won't work with 4.21 or above as Unreal deprecated FHighResScreenshotConfig.SaveImage() function - which the plugin relies upon.

Peepijeep commented 4 years ago

Thanks for yout answer. Unfortunately, I get the same error with 4.18.3. As soon as I enable the plugin in edit -> plugins, Unreal Engine wants to restart. After restart, I get the errors as descriped above:

The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version:


Would you like to rebuild them now?

and then, I get

Project could not be compiled. Try rebuiding from source manually.

vmattc commented 4 years ago

It does work :)

  1. Disable the plugin from your project and close Unreal.
  2. Copy the Seurat plugin to the Engine plugin folder (if you haven't already).
  3. Create a blank C++ project in Unreal as per the instructions here -
  4. Do not enable the plugin. Close Unreal.
  5. Simply copy the plugin to the projects plugin folder.
  6. Add PCHUsage = ModuleRules.PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;to the Seurat.Build.cs file in the project plugin Seurat source folder
  7. Load Unreal and the blank project, you should be prompted to recompile the plugin. If not, enable the plugin and you will be prompted to restart. This should trigger a recompile.

If that doesn't work, post your logs (ProjectFolder/Saved/Logs).

Peepijeep commented 4 years ago

Hey, are Step 2 and step 5 not the same? In Step 2, I am copying the plugin in my Unreal Engine folder, and in step 5, i am copying it in my project folder. Where is the difference?

Peepijeep commented 4 years ago

When doing so, there is so prompt to recompile the plugin. This is my setup:

Seurat Plugin is in:

C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.18\Engine\Plugins\Seurat

and in

C:\Projects\Unreal Engine\SeuratTest\Plugins\Seurat (SeuratTest is the project folder)

Are my folders correct?

e.g. I have following paths to the Seurat.Build.cs C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.18\Engine\Plugins\Seurat\Source\Seurat\Seurat.Build.cs and C:\Projects\Unreal Engine\SeuratTest\Plugins\Seurat\Source\Seurat\Seurat.Build.cs

I only adjusted the Seurat.Build in my Project folder (addingPCHUsage = ModuleRules.PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;) SeuratTest.log SeuratTest-backup-2019.08.13-15.06.15.log


Is it normal that I have "Seurat" two times in a folder name: Projects\Unreal Engine\SeuratTest\Plugins\ Seurat \Source\ Seurat \Seurat.Build.cs

vmattc commented 4 years ago

Your folders are correct and yes the folder structure is correct.

You could try removing Seurat from C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.18\Engine\Plugins and try again.

Nothing in your log indicates why or if the compile failed. I think you need to provide *_2.log.

Here's the compiled Seurat plugin I created for 4.18.3. Hopefully it will work for you. Copy it to your engine folder.

vmattc commented 4 years ago

@DaRockJaeger Did that work for you?

Peepijeep commented 4 years ago

Hello vmattc, Thank you for uploading the compiled Plugin. I am capturing my Unreal Scene at the moment :D But it is strange that I was not able to compile the plugin by my own.

vmattc commented 4 years ago

I managed to update the plugin code to work with Unreal 4.22 too.

However, I'm experiencing the same "cracks" and texture artefacts that everyone is (in capturing and importing in both Unity and Unreal). Looks fine in Butterfly, but seems that there's some fundamental issue with Seurat when using it with Unreal and Unity.

@davejrichardson & @manfred-ernst any news on Seurat development or possible help solving the crack issues?

publicdomaincorp commented 4 years ago

We've managed to get the capture and rendering working in UE4 without cracks - the main issue for us has been the documentation doesn't match the requirements for UE4.

For us at least the issues were that the -skybox_radius needs to be set to 20000 for seurat to correctly build the mesh from a UE4 capture (or it effectively builds a high-res broken cube mesh with projected textures), and that the UE4 plugin docs state to make a translucent material whereas the default settings are for pre-multiplied alpha, which causes texture artifacts, as would be expected.

So either setting -premultiply_alpha=false in the seurat command line params or setting the UE4 material blend mode to be AlphaComposite (pre-multiplied) gave us a reasonable UE4 pipeline without any major cracking issues. It still doesn't look that great though it must be said.

vmattc commented 4 years ago

@publicdomaincorp Thanks for the reply, yep I just figured out the premultiply_alpha setting too. I have it working in Unity fine now as well as UE4 v 4.22. No cracks now which is great.

Peepijeep commented 4 years ago

I managed to update the plugin code to work with Unreal 4.22 too.

He vmattc, can you please please upload the plugin for 4.22? It would be great if am able to use the newest unreal engine with Seurat :D

AndreElijah commented 4 years ago

@publicdomaincorp Thanks for the reply, yep I just figured out the premultiply_alpha setting too. I have it working in Unity fine now as well as UE4 v 4.22. No cracks now which is great.

I can't get this plugin detected in Unreal 4.22 - if you could please ZIP up your version of the plugin, it would be REALLY appreciated! Thanks!

Peepijeep commented 4 years ago

Any news about UE 4.22 and Seurat?

vmattc commented 4 years ago

I'll be sharing something in the next week or so.

siegetech commented 4 years ago

I'll be sharing something in the next week or so.

Was about to tackle porting it to 4.22. But read this thread here. Would love if you could share your work!

vmattc commented 4 years ago

Ok, sorry for the delay... here are the details!

siegetech commented 4 years ago

Ok, sorry for the delay... here are the details!

Amazing stuff!