goolord / alpha-nvim

a lua powered greeter like vim-startify / dashboard-nvim
MIT License
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The option `showtabline` is overwritten by Alpha #116

Closed AxZxP closed 2 years ago

AxZxP commented 2 years ago


How to reproduce

in my option I've set : vim.opt.showtabline = 0. If I open a file without transiting by Alpha dashboard I don't have any tabline. If I open the dashboard first and open a file I have this tabline.


Is there a way for Alpha to honour this setting ?

goolord commented 2 years ago

alpha does not overwrite showtabline. what you're probably experiencing here is that the tabline will not show tabs for hidden or unlisted buffers, and if alpha is the only buffer open, then there are no unhidden or listed buffers to display in the tabline.

goolord commented 2 years ago

try adding

local oldsetup = vim.deepcopy(theme.opts.setup)
theme.opts.setup = function ()
  vim.cmd('setlocal buflisted')

to your config

AxZxP commented 2 years ago

Ok here is my alpha setup simplified for the sake of readability. I still have the same issue, but I really don't know if I translate well enough your instruction to my config ? In this situation, it doesn't change anything.

local status_ok, alpha = pcall(require, "alpha")
if not status_ok then

local dashboard = require "alpha.themes.dashboard"
local oldsetup = vim.deepcopy(dashboard.opts.setup)

dashboard.section.header.val = {

dashboard.section.buttons.val = {
  dashboard.button("f", " " .. " Find file", ":Telescope find_files <CR>"),

local function footer()
  return "bar"

dashboard.section.footer.val = footer()
dashboard.section.footer.opts.hl = "Type"
dashboard.section.header.opts.hl = "Include"
dashboard.section.buttons.opts.hl = "Keyword"
dashboard.opts.opts.noautocmd = true

dashboard.opts.setup = function ()
  vim.cmd('setlocal buflisted')

AxZxP commented 2 years ago

Issue unrelated with the plug-in but with an autocmd. Sorry and thank for the help.