goolord / alpha-nvim

a lua powered greeter like vim-startify / dashboard-nvim
MIT License
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Dashboard header is Italized #117

Closed ankushKun closed 2 years ago

ankushKun commented 2 years ago
Here is my alpha config ```lua local alpha = require("alpha") local dashboard = require("alpha.themes.dashboard") -- Set header dashboard.section.header.val = { [[ /\_____/\ ]], [[ / o o \ nyaa~ ]], [[ ( == ^ == ) ]], [[ ) ( ]], [[ ( ) ]], [[ ( ( ) ( ) ) ]], [[ (__(__)___(__)__) ]] } -- Set menu dashboard.section.buttons.val = { dashboard.button( "f", " Find File", ":Telescope find_files"), dashboard.button( "l", " Find Word", ":Telescope live_grep"), dashboard.button( "r", " Recent" , ":Telescope oldfiles"), dashboard.button( "s", " Config" , ":Config"), dashboard.button( "q", " Quit NVIM", ":qa"), } alpha.setup(dashboard.opts) -- Disable folding on alpha buffer vim.cmd([[autocmd FileType alpha setlocal nofoldenable]]) ```

The ascii art for this cat in header is appearing italicized and I am unable to figure out how to prevent it from doing that.

screenshot ![image](

how it looks

    /  o   o  \  nyaa~ 
   ( ==  ^  == )       
    )         (        
   (           )       
  ( (  )   (  ) )      

how it should look

    /  o   o  \  nyaa~ 
   ( ==  ^  == )       
    )         (        
   (           )       
  ( (  )   (  ) )      

I looked at other peoples configs and their ascii art seem to be non italicized is there some value I can change in alpha config? Couldn't find anything related to this in example configs or :help alpha

goolord commented 2 years ago

the header uses the Type highlight group, which is italicized by your colorscheme. you can simply change

dashboard.header.opts.hl = "Special"

or whatever highlight group you want