goolord / alpha-nvim

a lua powered greeter like vim-startify / dashboard-nvim
MIT License
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feat: support for lazy.nvim opts table #311

Open onexbash opened 1 month ago

onexbash commented 1 month ago

for managing plugins with lazy.nvim it is recommended to use the opts {} table instead of the setup function, because the setup function is automatically called and merged with the opts table if it is present.

This is not supported by alpha-nvim yet. Would be cool to have it as lazy is probably the most used and best package manager for nvim right now.

Reference: (CleanShot 2024-10-30 at 17 51 07)

goolord commented 4 weeks ago

i don't understand, there is a setup function in alpha already so presumably you could just stick the contents of whatever you're passing to setup now to opts and get the behavior you desire with 0 changes to the alpha codebase