Describe a single harmonisation project that is used to transform one data set
Implementation state
The transformation of the German 3A data model to the fairport data model is in progress
Use Case Scope
The main aim of the fairport use case is to provide a complete, high-quality spatial data model for geo-zones for UAS flight regulation.
In a first step a national dataset will be created. In a second step a cross-border Europen dataset shall be created and published.
Priority Scope
1) Nationwide dataset
2) Crossboarder dataset, most likely Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium
Use spatial scope keywords and priority dataset keywords, as well as the (national) coverage to describe the spatial scope of the source data.
Source Schema and Format
Describe what format and schema the source data uses. If possible, add a link to the schema or upload it to the issue you are creating. If there are multiple source schemas, list all of them. Include the number of tables/properties/relationships in the source schema (that are populated with data).
TODO Provide information on the size of the tranformed data set.
Target Data set resources
TODO Provide links to the target data set, preferably published as a download service (Predefined / Direct access) with metadata. If the target dataset is also visible through the EDP, provide the EDP URL.
Effort / Time Spent
TODO Provide information on the amount of time you needed to create the transformation project. (in hh:mm)
Transformation Project
_TODOProvide a link to a transformation project uploaded to Github or
Describe a single harmonisation project that is used to transform one data set
Implementation state
The transformation of the German 3A data model to the fairport data model is in progress
Use Case Scope
The main aim of the fairport use case is to provide a complete, high-quality spatial data model for geo-zones for UAS flight regulation. In a first step a national dataset will be created. In a second step a cross-border Europen dataset shall be created and published.
Further information on UAS flight regulations can be found here:
Spatial Scope / Priority Scope
Spatial scope of the test dataset:
Priority Scope 1) Nationwide dataset 2) Crossboarder dataset, most likely Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium
Use spatial scope keywords and priority dataset keywords, as well as the (national) coverage to describe the spatial scope of the source data.
Source Schema and Format
Describe what format and schema the source data uses. If possible, add a link to the schema or upload it to the issue you are creating. If there are multiple source schemas, list all of them. Include the number of tables/properties/relationships in the source schema (that are populated with data).
source schema: NAS 6.0.1 --> -->
source format: GML 3.2.1 -->
Source Dataset(s)
The test data set is an AAA dataset of the region "Kreis Langen" in the German state "Hessen"
See: EPSG: 25832
Source Data Size
Target Schemas
The fairport target model draft (Version 1.0) can be found here:
Transformed Data size
TODO Provide information on the size of the tranformed data set.
Target Data set resources
TODO Provide links to the target data set, preferably published as a download service (Predefined / Direct access) with metadata. If the target dataset is also visible through the EDP, provide the EDP URL.
Effort / Time Spent
TODO Provide information on the amount of time you needed to create the transformation project. (in hh:mm)
Transformation Project
_TODOProvide a link to a transformation project uploaded to Github or