Closed MayteTDGeograma closed 1 year ago
INSPIRE is "evolving", meaning that (once the new INSPIRE IR have been officially published, which should be shortly) the CRS list will be updated allowing for more EPSG codes e.g., the Member States will be allowed to deliver also in their own National CRSs, if these have been previously approved by the MIG and published in the (upcoming) INSPIRE CRS registry - find more details at
We found the same issue for the Pop Wildfire use case. Thank you for the information on how the issue of reference systems will evolve within ISNPIRE. In the meantime, in our use case we have solved this by publishing the datasets in the system that supports OGC API Features, EPSG: 4326
An additional note: the Good Practice "OGC API – Features as an INSPIRE download service" explicitly mentions that "NOTE 1 The Web API shall return collections and features in the default OAPIF coordinate reference system (WGS 84 longitude and latitude). However, the enclosure link for bulk download could still provide access to a data set in a different CRS. "
The only EPSG available for the publication of data through OGC API is 4326, while the INSPIRE compliance reference system is EPSG 4258.
It would be desirable, to improve the usability of the OGC API, to speed up the possibility of using EPSG 4258 in this application