Develop a user service that handles user registration, authentication and profile management for the expense manager application. This service enable to create accounts in the application
Set Up User Model:
Define the User entity with appropriate attributes (username, email, password hash, etc.).
Implement User Registration:
Create an endpoint to register new users.
Validate user input and ensure unique usernames and emails.
Hash passwords before storing them in the database.
Implement User Authentication:
Create login endpoint.
Validate user credentials and generate a JWT token for authenticated sessions.
Profile Management:
Implement endpoint to retrieve user profile data.
Implement endpoint to update user profile information (e.g., username, email).
Error Handling:
Ensure proper error messages and HTTP status codes are returned for various scenarios (e.g., invalid input, user not found, etc.).
Write unit tests for all endpoints and service methods.
Conduct integration tests to verify the service's interaction with the database.
Develop a user service that handles user registration, authentication and profile management for the expense manager application. This service enable to create accounts in the application
Set Up User Model:
Implement User Registration:
Implement User Authentication:
Profile Management:
Error Handling:
Ensure proper error messages and HTTP status codes are returned for various scenarios (e.g., invalid input, user not found, etc.).