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Simple IMU triggers don't seem to repeat (i.e. !R) on GP12 (but do work in longer "compound" commands) #799

Open piersg opened 4 months ago

piersg commented 4 months ago

I may have done something to cause this though, which I'll explain below, but first:

If I scan the default example QR code on the documentation page (i.e. this command: !SI6D1H5!R) my new GP12 records once when moved, but after it stops recording, it doesn't return to the "IMU" display and does not record again if moved.

However, if I run this command:


it does repeatedly record (but, separate problem, it also sets the time again, which is undesirable).

I didn't try the more simple command until after I had run the above one quite a few times, so I don't know if that has somehow caused the non-repeats for the simple command. But I have tried power-cycling and removing the battery without effect.

dnewman-gpsw commented 4 months ago

I don't see the first error in a upcoming release (good news, the bug seems to be fixed already), but I there is a super simple workaround

!SI6D1H5!1R (added the 1 to !1R)

It just need a small delay. The reason the long command is work, it those extras commands are take a second or to to process.

piersg commented 4 months ago

Thanks that workaround seems to be working.

While we're talking ;-) is the !timeRx command documented in any more detail somewhere? Is 'x' just a char offset? From the end/from the beginning?

Ideally I'd like to run just the long command above but repeat only the IMU tigger (and not the clock set)

dnewman-gpsw commented 4 months ago

'x' is character offset from the beginning.