gopro / labs

GoPro Labs
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Info labels for min and max shutter speed are reversed in the app #893

Closed dutchct closed 2 months ago

dutchct commented 2 months ago

The labels in the app seem to do the opposite of what you'd expect.

dnewman-gpsw commented 2 months ago

They aren't reversed. They are in 1/x time format.

EXPX= maXimum shutter time. EXPN= miNimum shutter time.

e.g. EXPX=48 EXPN=192

They feel inverted as it seems like maximum shouldn't be less than the minimum. But if you read the print, these are shutter times presented to 1/x format. So the above sets 1/48 as maximum which is greater than 1/192 as the minimum.

dutchct commented 2 months ago

In your comment you’re using the word “time”. In the app, the word “speed” is used.

If you for example look up a camera’s max shutter speed it’ll be something like 1/8000.

dnewman-gpsw commented 2 months ago

shutter time and shutter speed are same thing. These controls use 1/x formatting.

dutchct commented 2 months ago

“The shutter speed specifically refers to how long this light is permitted to enter the camera. "Shutter speed" and "exposure time" refer to the same concept, where a faster shutter speed means a shorter exposure time.”

“Short exposure times are sometimes called "fast", and long exposure times "slow".“

Please don’t think I’m trying to jerk you around. I personally found the wording in the app unintuitive. English is an odd language, but i think the majority of us think this way when using time and speed in relation to shutters in cameras.

dnewman-gpsw commented 2 months ago

Yes I understand, I just think this is pedantic. These control are presented 1/x.

dutchct commented 2 months ago

Maybe ask a ux/ui designer at gopro and see what they think?

Anyhow, thanks for your work on labs. Big reason I’m staying on gopro.

dnewman-gpsw commented 2 months ago

Labs doesn't have UX, and QRControl is not an official GoPro App. If you want to improve the documentation within, users submissions are welcome, and many do.

dnewman-gpsw commented 2 months ago

Closing as an really a Labs firmware issue.