gorakhargosh / watchdog

Python library and shell utilities to monitor filesystem events.
Apache License 2.0
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Polling observer not correctly handling inode recycling #303

Open jrichards99 opened 9 years ago

jrichards99 commented 9 years ago

We are using a polling observer because our monitored directories are on a file share. We discovered a problem that is easily reproducible. Occasionally when we had a file deleted in one part of the file tree and very shortly thereafter a completely unrelated file was created in another branch of the tree, Watchdog was incorrectly reporting this as a move event from the deleted file to the created file. Digging into the source code it became clear that the DirectlrySnapShotDiff was assuming that if the inodes were the same the file was the same. This is not the case as inodes can and will be recycled. A simple change to check the file modification times (in addition to the inode) would fix this, if the file was truly moved the modification times would be the same, if delete/create they would be different.

Looking at the history it looks like Watchdog used to do this, but a code refactor 2/14 seems to have removed this file time check. There was also a test that looked to handle the case of a file being modified THEN moved in one cycle of the snapshot comparison. I believe this refactor tried to handle this latter case, breaking the case we saw. I propose that it is impossible to detect the modify/move use case, consider the following:

Scenario 1:

First snapshot: dir1/a (inode 1234 mtime 01:02:03) dir2/

sleep 1 touch dir1/a mv dir1/a dir2/b

Second snapshot: dir1/ dir2/b (inode 1234 mtime 01:02:04)

Scenario 2:

First snapshot: dir1/a (inode 1234 mtime 01:02:03) dir2/

sleep 1 rm dir1/a (inode 1234 released) touch dir2/b (inode 1234 assigned)

Second snapshot: dir1/ dir2/b (inode 1234 mtime 01:02:04)

Notice that the comparison of snapshots in both scenarios is IDENTICAL. I cannot see a way to differentiate between these two cases in the face of inode recycling. Given this I suggest that is better to report this case as a delete/create than as a move. It is a "lesser of two evils" to report a move as a delete/create than reporting a delete/create as a move.

Note that this also means it is impossible to report the modification of "a" in Scenario 1. There is not enough history available to determine that for certain, and if it truly was modified THEN immediately deleted simply reporting the delete and losing the modify event is better than making an assumption.

I was easily able to reproduce the inode recyling issue with a simple script like this:

rm foo.dat touch foo.dat

This quite frequently resulted in a moved event when the inode was recycled. Only occasionally was it correct when the inodes were different. I was running on CentOS 5.10 (yes, I know this is ancient but it is a customer requirement that we deploy on this stone age OS).

In addition, I had to change the tests "wait" method. It assumed that all Linux platforms had nanosecond precision on m_time. My CentOS 5.10 was reporting only one second precision (a more recent Fedora box had nanosecond however). Not sure what's up with that, but I also changed the wait so the tests would work.

Maybe someone has a better way of handling this, but we cannot use Watchdog the way it is. We are going to build off my fork with these changes until this is fixed which can be found here:


I will issue a pull request, but I realize my patch may not cover enough for general consumption.

tamland commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the detailed explanation. I tried this on linux 3.18.6 and it does a similar inode recycling, but not always, and it seems to only do so when the name is the same as the old file. I have to say though I don't think the solution in #304 is ideal, as it breaks move detection on modified files, and modify detection for moved files. It would be better to do something that doesn't involve mtime, but I'm not sure what..

In the mean time, it should be possible to override this behavior without changing the internal diff algorithm by passing a custom stat implementation to PollingObserverVFS (for instance by combining mtime and inode into thest_ino attribute)

jrichards99 commented 9 years ago

I can reproduce it consistently with totally different filenames and paths (wildly different). As indicated in my original post I don't think it is possible to differentiate between a modify/move and a delete/create with recycled inodes. So the choice is a lesser of two evils: Modify/move being identified as delete/create or delete/creates being identified as moves.

What I am suggesting is that modify/move being reported as delete/create is closer to the truth (the original file does no longer exist as it was and there is file in the create path) than real delete/create being reported as a move (this is totally wrong, the files are probably wildly different and totally unrelated).

Is it true that ignoring mtime was introduced to fix a known issue with modify/move? I only did a cursory glance at the history of code and tests, but it looked like that might be the case.

In our case we simply cannot live with the incorrect move events. We can live with the modify/move being delete/create as it has the same result as a modify/move (the file is processed in the new location). Yes, I figured this would be possible with PollingObserverVFS but the fork fix was much easier; thanks for the suggestion. We are sticking with the fork for now as I feel strongly that the code is wrong as-is given inode recycling. We have stress tested in our load test harness with no issues. It also seems some unresolved issues where the emitter threads mysteriously stopped (I suspect there was an unhandled exception thrown) have gone away after making this change. We will see if the mysterious outages in production stop once this forked version is deployed.

Thanks for the response.